학습환경으로서의 웹이 주는 교육적 의미(온라인교육)
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Ⅰ. 시작하면서
Ⅱ. 웹의 출현에 따른 교육적 이슈들
Ⅲ. 웹의 교육적 의의
Ⅳ. 웹의 특성을 살린 학습에 대한 논의
Ⅴ. 결 언


Cambridge: MIT Press.
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Mason, R., & Kaye, T.(1990). Toward a newparadigm for distance education, In L. M. Harasim(ed.), Online Education: Perspectives on a New Environment. New York, N.Y.: Praeger.
Newman, D.(1992). A World in the classroom: Making sense of seasonal change through talk and technology. Technical Report No. 11. NY: Center for Technology in Education.
Reeves, T. C. & Reeves, P. M.(1997). Effective dimensions of interactive learning on the world wide web. In B. H. Kahn(ed.), Web-Based Instruction. Englewood Cliffs: N.J.: Educational Technology Publications.
Salomon, G., Perkins, D. N. & Globerson, T.(1991). Partners in cognition: Extending human intelligence with intelligent technologies. Educational Researcher, 19(3), 2-9.
Sugimoto, T. (1997). Japan's case studies of using the Internet in school. Paper presented at the 1997 APEC International Conference on Utilization of Computer Networks in School. Seoul: KEDI.
Educational Significance of the World Wide Web
as a Learning Environment
Kang, Sook-Hi*
* Associate Fellow, Korean Educational Development Institute
The emergence of the world wide web is expected to bring about a fundamental change in education. However, what kind of change it is going to result in is not completely known yet. What is certain at this point is that how it is used now will determine its educational value in the future. Thus, first of all, it is necessary to understand the exact nature of the web and make the most of it. In this regard, this study attempts to examine educational characteristics and potentialities that the web has.
First, this paper discusses two major issues that are often raised by educators regarding the educational uses of the web: 1) Can learning occur without teaching? and 2) What are the main educational values of the web?
Second, several effects the web can have on education have been discussed: 1) the change from closed to open learning, 2) the need for information literacy, 3) formations of learning communities, and 4) the change in the roles of teachers and students. Finally, some implications and directions for the design and utilization of web-based instruction are suggested.


  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수20페이지
  • 등록일2002.09.23
  • 저작시기2002.09
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#203937
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