챠터학교의 이해와 시사점 (CHARTER)
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1. 문제의 제기

2. 챠터학교의 개념 및 특징

3. 챠터학교의 승인과정 및 신청서 요소
가. 챠터학교의 승인과정
나. 챠터학교 승인을 위한 신청서 요소

4. 챠터학교 운영 및 효과 실태
가. 챠터학교 운영 실태
나. 챠터학교 효과 실태

5. 챠터학교의 시사점 및 결론
가. 챠터학교의 시사점
나. 결론:챠터학교 도입시 고려사항

※ 참고문헌



② Charter schools are responsible for improved student achievement.
③ In return for accountability for specific results, the state grants and upfront waiver of virtually all rules and regulations governing public schools.
④ The state authorizes more than one organization to start and operate a charter public school in the community.
⑤ The organizers, usually teachers, parents, or other community members, can approach either a local board or some other public body, to be the school sponsor.
⑥ The charter school is a school of choice.
⑦ The charter school is a discrete legal entity.
⑧ The full per-pupil allocation should move with the student to the charter school.
⑨ Participating teachers should be given support to try new opportunities by having their status protected.
Secondly, this article examined a charter school approval process and the roles of key players in that process, and the elements of application. A number of steps are involved in the creation of a charter school. Key player in approval process are organizer, sponsors, final authority, technical assistance providers, and charter school governing bodies, although different states may refer to these players by different names, and their responsibilities may vary. The most of approval process is on charter application that must include a required elements, that are mission statement, goals and objectives, evidence of support, educational program and standards, plan for evaluating pupil performance, proposed budget, administrative audit, displace of students and staff, governance and operation, employee relationships, liability and insurance, transportation plan, enrollment policy, and waiver.
Thirdly, this article examined the present conditions of charter school and the impacts on students, teacher, parents and public education. There were 34 charter school laws in the United States, October, 1998. Charter school states that had strong to medium strength laws were 22 states, and the states that had weak laws were 12 states. Although charter schools were extremely diverse because of state and local, most charter schools were small, but they served the great racial and economic diversity of students that made up public education, and also afforded charter school developers an opportunity to pursue educational goals that they felt they could accomplish more effectively with fewer restrictions and stable financial support. The charter impacts had not a clear and public evidence so far, many advocator concluded that a great deal is being accomplished, though there are many dilemmas that these schools face and must overcome.
Finally, this article explored some implication of charter schools when our country want to change for public school system to get more autonomy and accountability. Basic values of charter school give some implication on the possibility of that our public schools change to consumer-oriented, diverse, accountable, results-oriented, professional institutions


  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수23페이지
  • 등록일2002.10.08
  • 저작시기2002.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#205736
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