라깡의 정신분석학- 욕망의 시학
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I. 정신분석학의 배경: 프로이드와 라깡

II. 욕망과 대상

III. 타자의 욕망의 법

IV. 욕망의 사례
A. 부자관계에서의 요구와 욕망: 한 성인 남자의 우울증의 사례:
B. 모녀관계에서의 타자와 법: 한 여자 어린애의 실어증의 사례:
C. 분석자의 욕망: 도라의 사례(Doras Case):



our only source of knowledge. We, as literary critics and theorists, no longer have to depend solely upon a single method or way to teach. These days, Lacanian theories of psychoanalysis have been arresting critical attention across the borders of critical theories in general.
The purpose of this paper is to bring some of the issues in the Lacanian psychoanalysis in attempts to explore one possible method for analyzing English/ American literature in more creative and insightful ways. My suggestion is open psychoanalytic method, the rationale of which is based upon the concepts of "savoir" and "jouissance."
The French word "savoir" means "knowing" or "to know." So the desire to know in psychoanalysis, particularly in Lacanian psychoanalysis, includes both analyst's "wanting for the knowing/le desir du savoir" (knowing detached from the subject) and analysand's "longing for the knowing/le desir de savoir" (wishing to having access to the knowledge). Knowing comes from where instinct was and where instinct fails. Instinct is the knowledge of the world, which works in the Real. In the animals, instinct is the Real and the knowledge for surviving. In man, instinct fails. Human infant doesn't have this knowledge, and it has to come to knowing. As a human being, "you will have to know." In speech, we can find the structure of savoir and transference. As the aim of the analytic experience is to construct the knowing, teaching situation is an analogy since the latter aims to construct the knowing for the students.
The French word "jouissance" signifies "enjoyment" with a sexual connotation. However, jouissance is used by Lacan in a series of different contexts: jouissance as pleasure, jouissance as orgasm, jouissance as pursuing an eternally unsatisfied desire, jouissance as a radical ethical stance, jouissance as an unserviceable surplus which must be sacrificed, jouissance as pleasure and pain in a single packet, jouissance as the Freudian libido (bodily jouissance), jouissance as a pure jouissance addressed to no one ("it speaks" plus "it enjoys"), and jouis-sens ("enjoyment in meaning" or "enjoy-meant") as a force within language. The last meaning of jouissance, that is, jouissance in relation to language, tells us that the signifier itself is the cause of jouissance. This jouis-sens is the place wherein we can catch the conscience and consciousness of the teaching process in which Lacanian four discourses (master"s, university, hysteric's, analyst's)
In the actual literary analysis, one needs a combination of all four discourses in attempts to incorporate critics' needs and desire for savoir and jouissance, thereby opening up the potentiality of the powerful intellectual analysis of literary texts. My suggestion is to contextualize Lacanian psychoanalysis which is based upon the poetics of desire and "objet a" as well as to provide the authentic case study method to broaden and deepen the unconscious understanding the Real of the literary texts.


  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수16페이지
  • 등록일2002.11.17
  • 저작시기2002.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#212203
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