① ★② ③ ④ ⑤
27. 다음은 flushing toilet 이 발명된 과정이다. A,B,C part를 연결하여 조각문장으로 알맞은 문장을 만들려고 한다. 연결이 잘못된 것을 고르시오.
A part
B part
C part
(1)In western-style houses and buildings.
(7)was invented sometime
(13)they are?
(2)How old
(8)so much
(14)use this toilet.
(3)The first flushing toilet
(9)it was built
(15)flushing toilet.
(4)Funny enough,
(10)you can use
(16)in the 1580's in England
(5)In 1592
(11)do you think
(17)in Bath
(6)She liked it
(12)Queen Elizabeth 1
(18)she ordered one for herself.
① (1)-(10)-(15) ② (2)-(11)-(13)
③ (3)-(7)-(16) ★④ (4)-(8)-(18)
⑤ (6)-(12)-(14)
The End
① ★② ③ ④ ⑤
27. 다음은 flushing toilet 이 발명된 과정이다. A,B,C part를 연결하여 조각문장으로 알맞은 문장을 만들려고 한다. 연결이 잘못된 것을 고르시오.
A part
B part
C part
(1)In western-style houses and buildings.
(7)was invented sometime
(13)they are?
(2)How old
(8)so much
(14)use this toilet.
(3)The first flushing toilet
(9)it was built
(15)flushing toilet.
(4)Funny enough,
(10)you can use
(16)in the 1580's in England
(5)In 1592
(11)do you think
(17)in Bath
(6)She liked it
(12)Queen Elizabeth 1
(18)she ordered one for herself.
① (1)-(10)-(15) ② (2)-(11)-(13)
③ (3)-(7)-(16) ★④ (4)-(8)-(18)
⑤ (6)-(12)-(14)
The End