[영문] 하버드 비지니스 리뷰 소재 마케팅 플래닝 케이스 분석
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[영문] 하버드 비지니스 리뷰 소재 마케팅 플래닝 케이스 분석에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Customer Analysis
ODI’s potential customers are chicken farmers of large farms (at least 10,000 birds). According to Olson, chicken farmers tend to be an independent-minded breed of men. This suggests that they may be stubborn and hesitant to give up the debeaking method, which has been around for nearly 50 years. Therefore it is up to ODI’s promotion and advertising campaign to convince them otherwise.
Farmers have four main reasons to buy the lens: 1) to reduce chicken mortality; 2) to increase egg production; 3) to reduce feed cost; 4) to increase the total profit base on the above reasons. Facts show that the ODI lens addresses all of these issues so it is in their best interest to adopt it. They can order the lens online, in-store at one of ODI’s regional offices, or by calling toll free.
Competitive Analysis
There is no competition for ODI in the short run in terms of inter-product competition. Large firms are expected to have circumvented the patent and entered the industry by 1980. They have significantly more financial and human resources allowing them to establish operations and advertise around the country relatively quickly. This gives ODI around 5 years to establish national distribution and capture a significant market share before facing tough competition.
  • 가격3,500
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2010.01.13
  • 저작시기2009.4
  • 파일형식워드(doc)
  • 자료번호#574127
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