Kenya & Tanzania Trip(케냐 탄자니아 여행)
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Facts for the Traveler

When to Go

Money & Costs


Facts for the Traveler

When to Go

Money & Costs

First day(Sunday)

2th day(Monday) - Amboseli National Park

3th day(Tuesday) - Mirumi National Park

4th day(Wednesday) - Serengeti Balloon Safaris

5th day(Thursday) - Ngorongoro Conservarion Area & Olduvai Gorge

Last day(Friday)

※ Reference site


Mankind. Olduvai museum at the gorge is very useful for information and education.
If you spend a lot of time to see great place, you need to take a rest. There are a number of lodges and camps to stay on the rim of the Carter. I'd like to recommend a good place to stay "Ngorongoro Sopa Lodge"
1. Sopa's entrance
2. rooms - There are 90 rooms here, located in groups of four in these unattractive
3. rooms - buildings shown in the photo.
4. rooms.
5. There is a swimming pool out the front, which the accasional guests braves the
attentions of the audience, who are gathered on the lawn to watch the sun set
across the crater.
6. Here is a bar. The staff here are all very personable and there is generally the kind
of service with a smile that you would expect in a hotel of this size.
* When you meet Maasai people, you maybe buy something like ornaments, sword,
shield, sculpture, spear they use. If you want to discount, say this "Tafadhali
It means "Please give me discount". Don't forget it and remember. It will be very
Last day(Friday)
It's your last day in Africa. Don't miss so much, you could comeback here one day. Anyway I think you need to buy some gift for your parents and friends. So today's plan is going shopping and visiting some famous places where you didn't go first day. But don't forget you are going on honeymoon. You should be relax like first day.
Have you enjoyed this journey? I hope you have. Actually it was too short period to know about Africa, but I believe you have already lead Africa's charm. Now you have to go back your normal life, but don't forget what you saw and experienced and come again here one day. Bye.
※ If you are interesting in going on honeymoon to Africa, you can check below web sites.
- (English version)
- (Korean version & link with a lot of good English version web site)
※ Reference site


  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2010.03.08
  • 저작시기2007.3
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#588440
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