Asperger Syndrome
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Asperger Syndrome에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Learning Objectives
On completion of this subject, I will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of Asperger Syndrome and the barriers they face within the community
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the trends in morbidity of Asperger Syndrome
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the involvement and participation of people with Asperger Syndrome in the workforce, leisure pursuits and the wider community
4. Outline some of the attitudes the community has towards people with Asperger Syndrome and how those with Asperger Syndrome are treated in the community
5. Demonstrate an understanding of a range of services/interventions available for people with Asperger Syndrome and the effectiveness of these approaches
6. Demonstrate an understanding of the effects Asperger Syndrome has on the lives of those diagnosed and their families


Asperger Syndrome is a developmental disorder that affects how the brain processes information (Gillberg, 2002). It shapes an individual’s social, emotional and communication skills, and behaviours. The disorder is a part of the Autism Spectrum, which encompasses a range of conditions with varying capabilities. Asperger Syndrome is said to be at the upper end of the spectrum, as individuals with this condition are relatively high functioning (Mesibov et al, 2001).
In 1944, a Viennese psychiatrist by the name of Hans Asperger published a paper describing a social disability, which later became known as Asperger Syndrome (Autism Victoria, 2004). Asperger Syndrome has historically been connected with the more widely used term autism and has often been regarded as ‘high functioning autism’. This is due to the fact that these two conditions share many of the same characteristics, one example being relationship difficulties (Simpson and Smith, 1998).
The cause of Asperger Syndrome is not clear. Often in families with diagnosed children, there are other family members who possess similar difficulties (Autism Victoria, 2004). This is supportive of the belief that Asperger Syndrome may be inherited. Sometimes, Asperger Syndrome has been known to develop due to pregnancy problems, or as a result of a viral infection before or soon after birth (Autism Victoria, 2004).


  • 가격2,400
  • 페이지수17페이지
  • 등록일2010.05.24
  • 저작시기2004.12
  • 파일형식워드(doc)
  • 자료번호#614041
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