Distillation Column
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해당 자료는 4페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
4페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


1. Objective
2. Introduction & Background
1) Distillation
2) McCabe-Thiele Method
3) Plate Efficiency
3. Experimental
1) Apparatus and Reagents
2) Procedures


After all these processes, turn on the re-boiler at 1.8kW. Once the device starts to boil, verify the produced liquid is collected in the condensation tray. Measure the flow using chronometer and mass cylinder. Operate the reflux pump and set the reflux ratio to 0.8(Use the control handle attached to the pump. Reflux ratio 0.8 means the amount of flow entered in top production tank is 100% while amount of reflux flow which returned in column is 80%). And then, operate the feed pump and calculate feed supply liquid by mass balance. At that time, record the concentration of supply fluid. Feed supply liquid must be saturated.
Adjust the pre-heater to set the temperature at 50mol%-73.1℃
After 30 minutes check each flow meter and when they are changed, adjust them again. Check the surface temperature of condenser and keep the cooling water to a sufficient level. Check each flow every hour and adjust them again if they are changed. Upon doing this work, collect the top and bottom samples of product to measure their concentration. And record the temperature of rectifying section and stripping section. Experiment will take about 4 hours after the feed pump has started. After the experiment is over, control all knobs should be closed and all switches turned off. Stop supply the cooling water and dispose the liquid of each tank. Beware get burned when you remove the liquid from re-boiler.
● Total Reflux
Check all valves are closed and all switches are turned OFF. Turn on the device's main switch and check all guages are working properly. And then, charge the Re-boiler with 4L of 15mol% MeOH. Look the integrity of tubes and pipes and check the leaks of joints and tubes(pipes) for coolant and turn on switch to flow cooling water. Turn on the re-boiler at 1.8kW. Once the device starts to boil, verify the collection of liquid in the condensation tray. Measure the flow using stop watch and mass cylinder. Operate reflux pump and make sure that all of condensed flow returns to column by using a control knob attached to the pump. After 30 minutes, check the flow rate of each flow meter and adjust them again if they are changed. Check the surface temperature of condenser and keep the sufficient level of cooling water. Check each flow ever hour and adjust them again if they are changed. Upon doing this process, collect the top and bottom samples of product to measure their concentration. Also, record the temperature of rectifying section and stripping section. After the experiment is over, control all knobs should be closed and all switches turned off. Stop supply the cooling water and dispose the liquid of each tank. Beware get burned when you remove the liquid from re-boiler.
※ Matters that require attention
- After laboratory, check the power supply and water pipe.
- Equipments must be cleaned up.
- Distillation tower is a complex equipment, therefore it should be handled sensitively.
- Flammable reagents (Methanol) must be far away from fire
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수12페이지
  • 등록일2011.03.05
  • 저작시기2010.9
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#653931
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