대한민국 3대 연예기획사와 한류 시장 (SM, JYP, YG Entertainment, 연예기획사).pptx
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대한민국 3대 연예기획사와 한류 시장 (SM, JYP, YG Entertainment, 연예기획사).pptx에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


 SM Entertainment
 About the Company
 SWOT Analysis
 SM Culture & Contents
 Joint venture

 The K-pop Music Industry
 Focus on Idol Group
 The K-pop Music Industry

 Competitors (JYP vs YG)
 About the Company - JYP
 SWOT Analysis
 JYP Global Strategies – Heading West
 About the Company - YG
 SWOT Analysis
 YG Global Strategies – Heading East and West
 Other competitors

Main Points
 Three Main Points of the Case
 1. Globalization
 2. Going East VS Going West
 3. Hybridization VS Glocalization
 South Korea

Discussion Time!
 1. East Asia
 2. Structural Factor
 3. Connection
 4. Important
 5. Global Strategy


Asian Pop Music

The Company: SM Entertainment

About the Company

Lee Soo-man (Founder)

  ≪ 사 진 ≫

 • graduated from SNU.
 • former singer
 • past CEO of SM
     (now, focuses on domestic music producing.)
 • main stockholder of SM
 • Increased SM’s revenue more than 100 times, from billion to 200 billion (1997~2013)

Kim Young-min (CEO)

  ≪ 사 진 ≫

 • May, 2005~ now:
 • CEO of SM, SM Asia, SM Japan

About the Company

【History and Figures】

 Capital : 8.2 Billion KRW
 Listed in : 2000. April
 Stock Price : 49750 KRW (2014.3.19)
 Aggregate Value of Listed Stock : 1027 Billion KRW


 HOT, SES, BOA, 동방신기, Super Junior, Girls Generation, Shinee, F(X),

SWOT Analysis

 • The first Korean Entertainment
Company (First Mover Advantage)
 • Achieved Success
in China(Super Junior) and Japan(BOA)
 • Became the icon of Hallyu

 • The defects of the “Big Rule”
  1) Trendy Music
  2) Sophisticated Style
  3) Effective Marketing
 • Drop-outs of some members
 • Unsatisfactory Results of “EXO”

 • Huge Market in China
 • The expansion of Hallyu

 • Sudden Changes in the market
 • Unstable politics in the East Asia
 • Economic Instability

 ≪ … 중 략 … ≫

Competitors (JYP vs YG)

About the Company - JYP

【Founder & CEO】
 Park Jin Young (Founder) / Jeong Wook (CEO)

【History and Figures】
 Capital : 11.6 Billion KRW
 Listed in : 2011. March
 Stock Price : 5950 KRW
 Aggregate Value of Listed Stock : 202 Billion KRW

 Wonder Girls, 2PM, 2AM, Miss A, GOD

SWOT Analysis

 • Effective Collaborations with Western Artists
 • Great Success in Domestic Market
  (Wonder Girls, 2PM, 2AM, Miss A)

 • Songs, composed exclusively by JYP himself
 • Lacking of “New Image”
 • Excessive Retro-Style

 • Huge Market in China
 • The expansion of Hallyu

 • Eco political Instability
  (Global Financial Crisis)
 • Language Barrier
 • Cultural Difference

 ≪ … 중 략 … ≫

Three Main Points of the Case

1. Globalization – East

○ Cultural Proximity
 - share similar culture and historical tradition
 - Chinese characters (漢字) cultural area
 - Confucianism’s influences.


  • 가격2,500
  • 페이지수70페이지
  • 등록일2014.07.03
  • 저작시기2014.6
  • 파일형식기타(pptx)
  • 자료번호#927435
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