(영어,영문) 자라(ZARA) 기업분석, 마케팅전략 (ZARA 기업소개, ZARA 마케팅전략, SCM 사례, ZARA의 3가지원칙, STP 전략)
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(영어,영문) 자라(ZARA) 기업분석, 마케팅전략 (ZARA 기업소개, ZARA 마케팅전략, SCM 사례, ZARA의 3가지원칙, STP 전략)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. ZARA 기업소개

2. ZARA 마케팅전략

3. SCM 사례

4. ZARA의 3가지원칙
Close the communication Loop
Stick to a rhythm across the entire chain.
Leverage your capital assetsto increase supply chain flexibility.

5. STP 전략
Segmentation & Targeting
Targeting &Positioning

6. 결론 및 나의견해


ny of its factories for only a single shift.
Zara uses "postponement" to gain more speed and flexibility.
All finished products pass through the distribution center in La Corunaand requires extra resources like staffs, space, equipment during peak seasons. Moreover Zara opened a new logistics center in Zaragaza.
It is the key of success that Zara can react to peak or unexpected demands faster than its rivals. Because of the responsiveness of its factories and distribution centers, Zara has dramatically reduced its need for working capital.
5. STP 전략
Segmentation & Targeting
1) 2)
3) 4)
Targeting &Positioning
GAP variety of price & products basic item longer SCM than ZARA
H&M a direct rival with ZARA
lower price than ZARA
slower spread than ZARA
BENETTON 1965 in italy empasized brightly colored knitwear
1) 2)
Price Positioning in the world
6. 결론 및 나의견해
Zara's success is its ability to sustain an environment that optimizes the entiresupply chain rather than each step.
Zara's senior managers deserve credit.
focus on local efficiency at the expense of global responsiveness.
Touch the factories and customers with two hands.
And whatever you do, don't take your eyes off the product until it's sold.
Zara's positioning is reasonable.
( different price each nation )
But zara's price policy is go to extremes. (100~250%)
Although many asians think high price products is good,
but many people already know the truth(original price).
So zara must adjustment price policy in asia.


  • 가격3,800
  • 페이지수7페이지
  • 등록일2014.07.04
  • 저작시기2014.7
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#927489
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