토익스피킹(Toeic Speaking) 파트(Part) 2~6 완벽 템플릿(모든 상황 답변 가능/ 하루 외우면 레벨6) [영어]
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토익스피킹(Toeic Speaking) 파트(Part) 2~6 완벽 템플릿(모든 상황 답변 가능/ 하루 외우면 레벨6) [영어]에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Part 2………………………………………2p

Part 3………………………………………3p

토스 4 정리…………………………………6p

파트 5………………………………………7p

파트 6 정리…………………………………10p


First, brings job satisfaction at work. This will make us feel more important at work. So we will work even harder.
Secondly, Job seeker prefer and a balance life to money. So they want more meaningful life compared to old generations.
13. 사업 성공을 위해 뭐가 중요하냐? 1. 경쟁사회에 살고 있음, 2. ~없이는 판매와 이익 없음
First, We live in very competitive society because market chages fast and technology advance quickly. So in order to succeed in the market, is a key.
Secondly, Without , there is no sales and profits to the company. So in order to succeed in the market, is a key.
14 SNS의 장점 1.많은 사람 만날 수 있음, 2. 스마트폰의 도움으로 쉽게 접속
First, SNS plays a big role in our society such as Facebook and Twitter.
so we can meet many people through SNS. This is good for our (social network / business network)
Secondly, Thanks to smartphone, We can easily go My SNS anywhere.
15. 같이 사는게 혼자 사는거보다 좋냐? 1.돈 아낌, 2. 재밌음
First, it saves me money. I am a student so I don't have enough money to pay rent.
However, if I live with others, I can save money.
Secondly, it is more fun living with roommates rather than living alone.
16. 최신 기술이 중요하냐? 1. 경쟁적 사회에 살고 있음, 2. IT의 발달로 사람들이 기계 관심
First, We live in very competitive society because market changes fast and technologies advance quickly. So in order to succeed, companies have to have new technology.
Secondly, thanks to Information Technology, people use many types of devices such as smartphones. People are very demanding for such devices.
17. 학생으로서 직업 갖고 있는게 좋냐 1. 넉넉한 예산 위해, 2 직업을 위한 일 경험
First, I can make money by having a job. Since I am a student. I always live on a tight budget.
So I don't have enough money. If I work, I can live on a enough budget.
Secondly, I can learn a lot from work experience. These days, it is hard to get a job because of the bad economy. So in order to get hired, work experience is really important than before.
18. 신기술 교육의 어려움? 1. 시간, 노력, 2. 돈
First, it takes time and effort when introducing a new technology.
When introducing new technologies, we have to train people how to use them.
Secondly, it costs a lot of money to train new technologies.
19. 해외근무의 이점 (다양한 경험, 어학연수, 해외여행) 1. 언어능력 향상, 2. 인간관계, 3. 취업위해
First, We can learn foreign languages. Because we live in a global world, so we need to speak another language to communicate with people such as English and Chinese.
Secondly, it is good for my human networking. Because I can meet many people from different backgrounds.
Lastly, These days, it is hard to get a job because of the bad economy. So in order to get hired, Studying in other country is really important than before.
20. 요즘사람들은 과거보다 시간이 없다 1. 경쟁사회 일 열심히, 2. 학생 직장구하려면 열공
First, people are very busy these days because they have to work hard to survive.
Because we live in a very competitive society and our market changes really fast.
Secondly, students are also busy studying to build up their qualifications.
and it is hard to get a job because of bad economy. So in order to get hired, they have to study hard.
  • 가격4,000
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2015.03.07
  • 저작시기2015.1
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#958476
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