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전문지식 415건

y Press, 1994). Huntington, Samuel P., "The Clash of Civilizations?" Foreign Affairs, Vol.72, No.3 (Summer 1993). IMF, World Economic Outlook: Interim Assessment, December 1997 (Washington, D.C., 1997). Institutue of International Finance, Capital Flows to Emerging Market Economies, January 2, 19
  • 페이지 21페이지
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  • 등록일 2010.06.06
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December 7, 2011. 2. Nick Currie, Conceptual Design: Building a Social Conscience, AIGA, November 1, 2005. Retrieved December 7, 2011. 3. a b Antonelli, Paola. "Talk to Me: Design and the Communication Between People and Objects", Museum of Modern Art, New York. 2011. Retrieved December 7, 2011.&nbs
  • 페이지 26페이지
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December, J. 1997. "Notes on Defining of Computer-Mediated Communication." CMC Magazine, Jan. 1997.URL; http://www.december.com./cmc/mag/1997/jan/december.htm. [12]Dennis, A. R., George, J. F., Jessup, I. M., Nunamaker, J. F., & Vogel, D. R., Information technology to support electronic meetings, MI
  • 페이지 15페이지
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  • 등록일 2005.10.20
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December 1981, pp.321-346 Deventer, D. R. V., and K. Imai, Financial Risk Analytics, Irwin, 1997 Heath, D., R. Jarrow, and A. Morton, "Bond Pricing and the Term Structure of Interest Rates: A Discrete Time Approximation, "Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, December 1990, pp419-440 Heath
  • 페이지 11페이지
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December 2002. National Defense Panel, Transforming Defense : National Security in the 21 Century, December 1, 1997 The Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Vision 2020, May 30, 2000. US-ROK Joint Communique, 32nd Republic of Korea-United States Security Consultative Meeting Joint Communique , September 25
  • 페이지 37페이지
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  • 등록일 2007.01.13
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December, 2011, 권일숙. 임상간호사의 비판적 사고성향, 간호수행능력 및 직무만족도, 간호행정학회지 제15권 제1호, 2009년 3월, 성미혜, 엄옥봉. 간호학생의 자기주도적 학습, 비판적 사고성향이 임상수행능력에 미치는 영향6, December, 2011, 권일숙.
  • 페이지 3페이지
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  • 등록일 2013.07.01
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December 1996. "Guide to the Use of the ATSC Digital Television Standard," ATSC Document A/54, October 1995. "Program and System Information Protocol for Terrestrial Broadcast and Cable," ATSC Document A/65, December 1997. "Triveni Digital Finds Majority of Nation's DTV Stations Have Transport Strea
  • 페이지 9페이지
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  • 등록일 2008.09.17
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References Moon, I 2007, 'South Korea: Video Games' Crazed Capital', Business Week, 26 March, accessed 10 December 2008, <http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/mar2007/gb20070326_937184.htm>. Central Intelligence Agency 2008, The World Factbook , Central Intelligence Agency, Washingto
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December 3, 2002. 김영용전용덕,복합통합과 경제계산, BP No. 36, 자유기업원, 2002. L.v 미이제스 著朴炳鎬 監譯,『人間行爲의 經濟學』, 經文社, 1987. 루드비히 폰 미제스 저김진현 역,『자본주의 정신과 반자본주의 심리』, 한국경제연구원, 1995. 루
  • 페이지 22페이지
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  • 등록일 2007.07.20
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December 3 2006, from SACK, Web site : http://www.sack.or.kr/board/view.php?board=FAQ&sq=4&fid=4&step=A&page=2&where_encode= http://www.sack.or.kr/board/view.php?board=FAQ&sq=10&fid=10&step=A&page=1&where_encode= http://www.sack.or.kr/board/view.php?board=FAQ&sq=14&fid=14&step=A&page=1&where_encode=
  • 페이지 20페이지
  • 가격 2,000원
  • 등록일 2007.12.06
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
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