[합격] 연세대 교환학생 지원 학업계획서+자소서
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해당 자료는 1페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
1페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


[합격] 연세대 교환학생 지원 학업계획서+자소서에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


A. Study Plan
- 1. What is the purpose of your application to Yonsei University?
- 2. What is the major you want to study at Yonsei University and why?

B. Self Description
- 1. Self-introduction (Please explain and describe your aptitudes, hobbies, and philosophy of life)
- 2. Educational Background (Please summarize your academic achievements)


What is the purpose of your application to Yonsei University?
My experience in Yonsei’s summer school led me to revisit my desire to go back to the school and to enjoy the privileges it provides. Before deciding on economics as my undergraduate major, my primary area of study in high school was visual arts. This transition from arts to economics was a challenge. For that reason, I took a leave of absence for one year and attended Yonsei University’s international summer school to increase my understanding of economics.
Self-introduction (Please explain and describe your aptitudes, hobbies, and philosophy of life)
Three words that describe me are creative, motivated, and diligent. I spent my elementary school years in the U.S., middle and high school in South Korea and now I am attending university in Japan. Wherever I go, I have always tried my best and tried to harmonize with others, so I was generally able to adapt to my surroundings. In this respect, I am a person who focuses on balanced and holistic development of the self, have the ability to communicate to cooperate, and yield diverse ideas. With these three attributes in tow, I was able to get along well while studying abroad.
  • 가격5,000
  • 페이지수3페이지
  • 등록일2024.02.10
  • 저작시기2021.12
  • 파일형식기타(docx)
  • 자료번호#1240962
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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