태권도 앞 돌려차기 동작의 운동학적 분석
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논문. 연세대학교 대학원.
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양동영(1986). 태권도 차기 동작의 역학적 Energy변화에 관한 생체역학적 분석. 서울대학교 대학원.
윤동섭(1986). 태권도 뒤차기 운동학적 분석. 석사학위논문. 성균관대학교 대학원.
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장기준(1985). 태권도 앞차기와 찍어차기의 운동학적 분석. 석사학위논문. 연세대학교 대학원.
정낙희외 2인(1985). 태권도 서기자세에 따른 앞차기 기술의 역학적 분석. 한국체육대학교, 체육과학연구소, 체육과학 제4집.제5권 제1호, pp105-133.
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A Kinematic Analysis of front Dolyeochagi in Taekwondo
Kang, Kwan-Hee Kim, Tae-Kwon Lee, Seung-Hoon
This study is to analyze the effect of the kinematical factors in front of Dolyeochagi in Taekwondo. Four subjects took a part in current athlete and a high ranked in university competition. Two S-VHS vedio cameras set in 60fields/sec were used for recording from ready motion to impact motion. After digitizing the front Dolyeochagi motion, the Direct Linear Transformation(DLT) technique was employed to obtain 3-D position coordinates(Abdel-Aziz & Kararah, 1971), a cubic spline function was used for smoothing and differentiation and the time, displacement, velocity, angle and angular velocity variables were calculated.
And the following conclusions were drawn;
1. In ready motion, the elapsed time appears a few differences between subjects. However, it is similiar to time from take-off to impact between subjects.
2. The more subjects who kicking at low CG state. the more kicking velocity at impact.
3. The upper body of subject who has fast kicking velocity at impact is close to the perpendicularity and I found that the knee flextion is great before impact. When it comes to angular velocity, it was shown that knee's extention and flextion are quick.


  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수15페이지
  • 등록일2002.07.06
  • 저작시기2002.07
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#197940
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