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1. 우 남 규 란 누구인가

2. My-self Introduce

3. 참 고 문 헌


n a system where I am not alone, it is important to have a satisfied and happy mind. Second, 'giving in advance' One day I saw a book that said happiness or smile is infectious, and the second principle has that meaning. If there is a mentor that stimulates and moves me I will always try to be like him and continuously make effort to make improvement and sensation. It will be successful to be a source of infectious happiness myself by practicing in advance and not losing warm heart. Third, 'Put myself in another's position'- It is a virtue I learned from my father who is a teacher.Without knowing, the method to live in harmony is to look and care for one another even in basic family for happiness and peace became my motto.
My ultimate goal through my mottos, is do my best responsibilities at my current position, and always try to be the best. Because that is the only way for my self-realization and well being of company I am in. And also I will be careful about my words and behavior for I consider seriouslyabout relation between people and want to maintain good image of myself. A job that is worth working and can reveal one's all aptitude and ability and having great results, is a fundamental problem beyond making a living.
I am very excited and look forward to future experience and various tasks. It can be tough and make me want to give up, but I will challenge all those by my confidence and humbleness introspection.
The motive that drove me to apply for your company is that I thought this field is a perfect place for me to demonstrate my Hotel management abilities learned in university. The reason I applied is I want to introduce marketing to personnel management and operation that decides future of the company. A leadership that knows and leads people and cool-headed judgment is what you are looking for and I think I am qualified for all that.
My major I am studying will be the foundation stone of my self-realization. I know clearly that I need more experience and effort to be a good talented person. And I am trying my best to be the best which my father always told me.
In any task, there can be same method and same process but the result can be very different from one's attitude and passion about the task. I am not like the new generation who knows only his work and never cares about other's problems and I am kind of satisfied myself about my calm and quiet form.
To find a good talented person is a important problem that decides future of the company. If the company hire me than it will have a bright new future. I guaranteeyou that you will not be disappointed.
Thank you for reading my introduction thoroughly.
Above statement is confirmed that it is the truth.
April, 11th, 2003 Nam kyu Woo
3. 참 고 문 헌
1. 경영학으로의 초대 / 2002 / 이명호 외 9인 / 전영사
2. http://www.naver.com/ 백과사전
3. 경영학 원론 / 2003 / 윤윤복 외 2인 / 경영과 회계
4. 성공씨의 자기소개서 / 2003 / 대학당 / 아름다운 사회
5. CEO 27인의 리더십을 배우자 / 1999 / 신완선 / 물푸레
6. http://www.grandhiltonseoul.com/kr/kmain.htm /
입사지원서 양식


  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수12페이지
  • 등록일2004.07.12
  • 저작시기2004.07
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#259132
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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