영어자기소개서 10가지
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영어자기소개서 10가지에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


nd active. My good point is helping other people. My bad point is that I can't stand losing. I like exercising, watching TV. I dislike studying. My birthday is April 10(When you speak date, you have to speack 10th not 10). I want to be a soccer player. My blood type is O. The things I hope do is playing soccer in soccer team. I want to talk to friends "Let's be a good relationship." Last, what I want to say, thank you for everyone who around me.
I hope this to be useful for you. I can't write in Korean. Sorry. Have a nice day~!
열 번째
제전공은 기계시스템입니다. 제 취미는 컴퓨터게임이고 특기는 농구입니다. 군 제대 이후 복학하여 학교를 다니고있습니다. 아버지께서는 회사에다니시고 어머니께서는 집안일을하시며 누나는 회사에 다니고있습니다. 제가사는곳은 단독 주택입니다. 저는 청바지에 티셔츠나 난방을 주로입고다닙니다. 신발은 운동화를 주로 신습니다. 제가 좋아하는색은 파란색이지만 옷에는 잘어울리지않습니다. 그리고 제가싫어하는 색은 노란색이죠.. 잘 어울리지 않기 때문입니다. 저는 주로 월요일부터 금요일까지는 아침 7시에 일어납니다 그리고 학교에 와서 수업을받습니다. 12시정도에 점심을먹고 5시쯤에 수업이끝나 집으로 옵니다.
5시이후에는 취미생활을하고 잠을 잡니다.
주말에는 아침 10시에일어나서 주로 티비를 보고 컴퓨터게임을 합니다.
날씨가 좋을때는 밖에나가 농구를 합니다.
이상 제소개를 마치겠습니다. 오늘하루도 즐거운 하루 보내시길 바랍니다.
My military merit is mechanical system.
My hobby the computer game and specialty are the farming tool.
The army echelon after luck crane it does and the school it is coming and going.
The father it comes and goes to the company and the mother it chores and to the company troublesome me it comes and goes.
My household duties the place is the detached home.
I put on the mote shirt or a heating mainly in the blue jeans and i come and go. The shoes wears the sports shoes mainly.
The color which I like does not match it is a color which is a green onion to the cloth well.
And the color which I dislike yellow color cyo.. It is because does not match well. I from Monday happen mainly by Friday at morning 7:00 And it comes to the school and it studies.
It eats the lunch in 12 visibility degrees and the study is over at 5:00 and about it comes at the house.
To 5:00 after diletante life and it is small a sleep.
It happens to weekend at morning 10:00 and the mote rain it does a report computer game mainly.
When the weather is good only, it goes out and farming tool. It will finish the above instituting a lawsuit dog.
One day sending route whose also one day is joyful today it wishes.


  • 가격2,500
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2006.11.27
  • 저작시기2006.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#378003
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