토익 단기간 점수 올리기 - 패러프레이징
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토익 단기간 점수 올리기 - 패러프레이징에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


yment = wage 봉급
163. travel = go, move가다
164. fit = suit적합하다
ex) It\'s important to choose a job that fits you.
=Having a job that suits you is important.
165. occasion = event (특별)행사
166. invoice = bill 운송장, 청구서
ex) We will send you an invoice by tomorrow.
=The bill will be delivered to you until tomorrow.
167. extend = stretch 연장
168. emphasize = stress = highlight = underline 강조하다
ex)The manager emphasized greeting customers with a smile.
=Welcoming customers with a smile was stressed.
169. increase = go up, soar 올라가다
ex)An increasing number of people are enrolling.
=The number of students of Ryan academy is soaring up.
170. try one\'s best = make one\'s every effort
ex)You need to try your best to obtain your goal.
=Make your every effort if you want to achieve your goal.
171. behind schedule = late 늦은
172. reimburse = compensate 배상하다
ex) The insurance company will reimburse for your car.
= Your car will be compensated by the insurance company.
173. extend hour = stay open late 연장영업을 하다
ex)Staff will be working for extended hours.
= The store will stay open late tomorrow.
174. demonstrate = show 시연하다
ex) He will demonstrate the procedure thoroughly.
= He will show us the procedure step by step.
175. not included = left out, missing 빠진
ex) I don\'t know why my name is not included in the report.
= It\'s not understandable why my name is left out.
176. look into = investigate 조사하다
177. represent = speak for 대변하다
ex) The lawyer represents the company.
= The lawyer speaks for the company.
178. keep = maintain = retain 유지하다
179. especially = particularly = exceptionally 특별히
180. upcoming = future 다가오는, 다음의
ex)Profits are expected to increase for the upcoming years.
=In the near future, we anticipate an increase of profits.
*꼭 3번 이상 소리 내어 읽어야 해요.
당신의 토익 고득점을 응원합니다.^^


  • 가격1,700
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2020.11.09
  • 저작시기2018.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#1139726
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