세무직 영어
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ut they hardly enable us to form general ideas. Films, like the spoken word, flow by
and are lost to us. Books _____________, as life-long companions.
① practice ② perform
③ plat ④ abide
Try to answer your cellular phome on the first ring. Otherwise the caller may
____________ and you might miss an important message.
① call on ② pick up
③ hang up ④ put on
In the last three centuries, more than 200 species of mammals, birds, and reptiles
have become extinct. Eight hundred more species are endangered. Our wild animals
aare being swept form the land, the birds from the air, the fish form the sea. Roman
Gary, a well-known writer on conseration, said, “It may be that man's greatest
‘achievement’in the 20th century is not that he traveled to the moon but that he
destroyed forever an _____________ heritage of natural things.”
① irreplaceable ② usable
③ changeable ④ recyclable
Lichen are one of the few kinds or life that can survive in the mountains of
Antarctica. These tiny plants live in small holes in the rocks. Outside, the extreme
cold and strong winds do not allow any life at all. Inside the holes, these lichen
manage to find enough water and warmth to keep alive. However, much of the time
they are frozen. This fact means that the lichen function very, very slowly, and live
a ver long time. Scientists believe that a lichen may remain alive for thousands of
years. If this is true, the lichen may ______________________.
① die in cold and strong winds
② be among the oldest forms of life on earth
③ not survive in the mountains of Antarctica
④ be one of the newest froms of life on earth
While he was looking on at the baseball game he _________ an old classmate form
his high school days.
① ran over ② ran across
③ broke in ④ broke down
The person who both smokes and drinks heavily may take a greater risk of
becoming ill ________________ one who drinks like a fish but never smokes, or who
smokes like a chimney but never drinks.
① than ② less than
③ as ④ more than
1. ③ 2. ④ 3. ② 4. ② 5. ④
6. ② 7. ③ 8. ④ 9. ③ 10. ③
11. ④ 12. ④ 13. ② 14. ① 15. ④
16. ③ 17. ④ 18. ② 19. ② 20. ④


세무직,   영어,   쓰임,   주제,   기출문제,   표현
  • 가격1,300
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2002.06.24
  • 저작시기2002.06
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#196869
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