아모스 5:1-17 연구
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I. 본문해석을 위한 기본 지식
1. 본문의 형태 및 구조
2. 예언자 아모스는 누구인가?
3. 아모스시대(기원전 8세기)의 사회-경제적 상황

II. 본문해석
1. 이스라엘의 멸망에 대한 애가(1-3절)
2. 여호와를 찾으라(4-6절)
3. 권력자들의 죄상과 심판(7-13절)
4. 선을 찾으라(14-15절)
5. 이스라엘의 멸망에 대한 애곡(16-17절)

III. 결어


el. Compared to a general type of prophetic oracle, it is so strange that lamentation is located in the beginning. There maybe two possibilities: 1) In order to attract the audience, Amos starts with a song of lamentation; 2) Amos, who has already seen the fall of Israel through a vision, delivers a judgment oracle without hesitation. The two reasons show how imminent the fall of Israel is. It is notable that the typical beginning of prophetic oracle appears in v. 2, which adds here the urgent situation to the beginning lamentation.
Amos 5:4-6 stress on looking for God who cannot be seen in the old shrines which are within the circle of Israel. The argument on the single mention of Beersheba should not be regarded award. As M. E. Polley suggested, it is possibly understood that the three places of north shrines are arranged such as A) Bethel- B) Gilgal- C) Beersheba- B) Gilgal- A) Bethel. Although Polley argues that there is no salvation in the northern shrines except Jerusalem, it seems that Amos is a rather universal prophet who is not limited a national boarder.
Amos 5:7-13 lists a series of Israelites' sins and delivers judgment on Israel. Within this frame, the hymn fragment of vs. 8-9 might be inserted. The hymn fragment, however, plays a supporting role of the Judge, Yahweh. Despite some arguments, v. 13 can also be regarded as a part of the one unit of vs. 7-13. The mention of the silence of a prudent person should be related the evil situation of the 8th Century B.C. in Israel. In this sense, vs. 7-13 should be understood as one unit. In the 8th Century B.C., Judah and Israel had a controlled economic system by ruling elites, so called "rental capitalism.". They acquired lands from farmers through their military powers, and united with royal family. They urged farmers to plant specific items, such as olive oil, wine, wheat, which were main products for exportation. To produce these items, farmers had to be suffered from poverty and oppression. The prophet Amos pointed out the sins of the ruling elites and delivered judgment on them.
Amos 5:14-15, as in the case of vs. 4-6, direct the audience to look for good. Amos identifies the divine character with goodness, which is a counterpart to evil. God, who will probably save the remnant of Joseph, is understood as the universal/sovereign God. The possibility of salvation on Israel remains only in the decision of God, the Lord of history.
Amos 5:16-17 concludes the prophet's oracle, which concentrates on the lamentation on the fall of Israel. In the place of the ruling elites, farmers will mourn for them and carry out their funeral rites. Both in the first and last parts, songs of lamentation justify the fall of Israel which results in socio-economic injustice and unrighteousness. Amos 5:1-17 basically stress the importance of human rights and the covenant between God and Israel. Those who ignore the suffering of God's people will be surely punished. This is the message of the prophet Amos.


  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수35페이지
  • 등록일2003.02.08
  • 저작시기2003.02
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#220982
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