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pompous walk
stupefy v to stun, baffle, or amaze 마비시키다, 멍하게하다, 놀라게하다
stymie v to block; thwart 방해하다
subpoena n a court order requiring appearance and/or testimony
subside v settle down; descend; grow quiet 가라앉다, 내려앉다
substantiate v establish by evidence; verify; support
실체화하다, 실증하다
subtle a not obvious; elusive; difficult to discern
미묘한, 형언하기 어려운, 이해하기 어려운
succinct a brief; concise 간결한, 간명한
supersede v cause to be set aside; replace; make obsolete
대신하다, 교체하다
superfluous a exceeding what is sufficient or necessary 여분의, 남아도는
supplant v to take the place of; supersede 대체하다
supposition n hypothesis; surmise 가설, 추측
surfeit n excess; overindulgence 과도, 물림, 식상함
synthesis n the combination of parts to make a whole 합성
tacit a implied; not explicitly stated 암묵의,묵인된
tangential a peripheral; only slightly connected; digressing
접히는, 약간 스칠 정도의, 옆길로 새는
tenacity n the quality of adherence or persistence to something valued
고집, 완강
tenuous a having little substance or strength; flimsy; weak
희박한, 박약한, 빈약한
terse a brief and concise in wording
tirade n a long and extremely critical speech; a harsh denunciation
장광설, 긴 탄핵 연설
torpid a lethargic; sluggish; dormant 둔한, 느린, 동면하는
torpor n lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy
torque n a force that causes rotation
tortuous a winding; twisting; excessively complicated 비틀린, 비뚤어진
tout v to publicly praise or promote
tractable a docile; easily managed
transgression n violation of a law
transient a fleeting; passing quickly; brief
trenchant a sharply perceptive; keen; penetrating
날카로운, 통렬한, 뚜렷한
truculent a fierce and cruel; eager to fight
흉포한, 통렬한
ubiquitous a existing everywhere at the same time; constantly encountered;
unfeigned a genuine; not false or hypocritical
untenable a indefensible; not viable; uninhabitable
지지할 수 없는, 이치가 닿지 않는, 거주할 수 없는
urbane a sophisticated; refined; elegant 세련된, 예의바른
vacillate v to waver indecisively between one course of action or opinion and
another 주저하다, 망설이다
variegated a multicolored; characterized by a variety of patches of different
venerate v revere
veracity n truthfulness; honesty
verbose a wordy
vexation n annoyance; irritation
viable a practical or workable; capable of maintaining life
존속할 수 있는, 생존가능한
vigilant a alertly watchful 경계하고 있는
vilify v to defame; to characterize harshly
virulent a extremely harmful or poisonous; bitterly hostile or antagonistic
유독한, 독성의, 악의있는
viscous a thick; sticky
vituperate v to use harsh, condemnatory language; to abuse or censure
severely or abusively; berate 비난하다
volatile a readily changing to a vapor; changeable; fickle; explosive
휘발성의, 변덕스러운, 순간적인
voracious a having an insatiable appetite for and activity or pursuit; ravenous
게걸스러운, 탐욕스러운
warranted a justified; authorized
wary a very cautious 조심성 있는, 세심한
waver v to move to and fro; to sway; to be unsettled in opinion
welter n turmoil; bewildering jumble 혼란, 뒤죽박죽
whimsical n capricious; fanciful
zealous a fervent; ardent; impassioned
zealot n fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal


  • 가격300
  • 페이지수14페이지
  • 등록일2005.04.05
  • 저작시기2005.04
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#291405
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