토익 관용어구에 관한 정리
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토익 관용어구에 관한 정리에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


절대 말 안해)
baby sit (아이 보기)
house sit (집보기)
give it a try = give it a shot (노력하다)
You read my mind. (어떻게 아셨어요.)
on the house (=free ; 무료로)
She is out of town (타지에 가다) cf. I‘ll be in town.
every hour on the hour (매시정각에) every hour on the half hour (매시 30분 정각에)
be in the way (방해가 되다) cf. It's on my way home. (집에 가는 길이다.)
take some notes (메모하다)
keep track of (기록하다)
bring A to the attention of (~에게 보고하다)
make it (시간에 맞게 도착하다, 해내다, 성공하다, 시간을 정하다) ex. I can't make it this evening.
drop by = stop by 잠시 들르다
pick up (마중 나가다, 사오다, 맞긴 것을 찾다, 경기가 회복하다, 언어 등을 배우다, 비, 바람이 거세지다)
have someone over = invite ex. We're having the Johnsons over this Saturday.
파티를 하다 ; have / hold / host / give / throw a party cf. Let's give a party for him.
“축배”를 의미하는 표현들 ; cheers / To your health / Bottoms up
하루 쉬다 ; take a day off, 휴무일 ; a day off
first thing in the morning (아침에 최우선으로)
press conference
urinate = take a leak = piss = wizz = answer nature's call
defecate = have a bowel movement = shit = dump = crap
sprain ligament
All rise (기립)
Presiding ---
You may proceed (속개하시오)
May I approach the bench?
Order, order (정숙하시오)
How do you plead?
You solemnly swear that the testimony you're about to give in this court will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you god.
I rest my case. (이상으로 변론을 마칩니다.)
You may take the stand. (증언석)
You're under oath.
Objection, your honor
- sustained (인정함), overruled (기각함)
leading (my witness)
not relavant
reach a verdict
guilty as charged
  • 가격1,300
  • 페이지수7페이지
  • 등록일2006.12.17
  • 저작시기2006.8
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#383362
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