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Moderate development MDS 골수이형성증후군 Myelodysplastic syndrome Mets 전이 Metastasis MgOX 산화마그네슘 Magnesium oxide Micro 현미경 Microscopy (사용: U/A c Micro) MIC 혼합림프구배양 Mixed lymphocyte culture MMM 골수양화생 골수섬유증 Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia MMPI 미네소타다면적인성검사 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory MMR 홍역, 볼거리, 풍진 Measles, mumps, and rubella MMT 수동 근육검사 Manual muscle test M / N 중등 영양섭취 Moderate nourishment morph 형태학 Morphology (사용:CCS c morph) MPGN 막증식성 사구체신염 Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis MP joint 손허리손가락관절 Metacarpophalngeal joint MR 정신지체 Mental retardatrion MR 승모판막역로 Mitral valve regurgitation MRI 자기공명영상 Magnetic resonance imaging M / S 정신상태 Mental status MS 승모판막협착 Mitral valve stenosis MTX 메토트렉세이트 Methotrexate MVP 승모판협착 Mitral valve prolapse MVR 승모판막대치술 Mitral valve replacement MVT 혼합비타민 Multivitamin NAB 침 흡인 생검술 Needle aspiration biopsy NCU 신경외관 중환자실 Neurosurgical care unit NCV 신경전도검사 Nerve conduction velosity Neuro Exam 신경계 검사 Neurologic examination Neurosono 신경초음파검사 Neurosonogram NIDDM 인슐린 비의존성 당뇨 Noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus NPO 금식 Nothing by mouth N / S 생리식염수 Normal saline NPO 니트로 글리세린 Nitroglycerin NVD 신경혈관 감압술 Neurovascular decompression OBS 기질성 뇌 증후군 Organic brain syndrome Obst 폐쌕 Obstruction OCM 개방공동 유양돌기절제술 Open cavity mastoidectomy OD 우안 Right eye OMPA 급성화농성중이염 Otitis media purulent, acute OMPC 만성화농성중이염 Otitis media purulent, chronic OR 수술실 Operation room O/R c I/F 갸벙성 정복&내부고정 Open reduction with internal fixation OS 좌안 Left eye O / T 작업치료 Occupational therapy OU 양안 Both eyes PA 후전 Posterior anterior PAC 심방조기수축 Premature atrial contraction Pan-F 판크레온 에프 Pancreon-F PAS 파라아미노살리신산 Para aminosalicylic acid PAT 발작성심방빈맥 Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia PAV 경피적대동맥풍선확장술 Percutaneous aortic valvuloplasty P-b 페노바이탈 PhenPhenobarbital PC after meals PCA 후대뇌동맥 Poster cerebral artery P.com.artery 후교통동맥 Posterior commnicating artery PD 복막투석 Peritoneal dialysis PDA 대동맥관개존 Patent ductus arteriosus P / E 신체검진 Physical examination PFO 난원공 Paten fcramen ovale PFT 폐기능검사 Pulmonary function test PG diet(1) 위절제술식이 1단계 Post gastrectomy diet 1단계 PHx 과거력 Past history PI 현재 질환 Present iliness PIP joint Proximal interphalangeal joint PKU 페닐케톤뇨증 Phenylketonuria


  • 가격500
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2007.06.26
  • 저작시기2007.1
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#417111
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