[언론사 시험 대비] 2007 KBS 한국방송 인성면접자료 (질의형식)
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ic service broadcaster, KBS will also lead changes in the broadcasting industry in this era of broadcasting and telecommunications convergence.
We ask for your continued encouragement and support. Thank you.

In 2005, KBS set its goal to provide ubiquitous multimedia broadcasting services, building major transmission facilities in the Seoul metropolitan area for DMB services. Terrestrial digital TV services, which were launched in 2001, were expanded to smaller cities throughout the country. An estimated 86% of Korean households were able to access the service.
KBS merged HD production skills with relay broadcasts. 76 events were relayed in HDTV, strengthening the HD production capacity of KBS. For more refined sound in digital television, seven episodes of KBS 78th Anniversary Special Premier Movies were produced in Dolby 5.1 channel audio.
KBS collaborated with local governments to solve reception problems in blanket areas. The TV blanket area solution project used satellites to resolve reception problems. FM transmission points in Seoul and Busan were relocated, adding 640 thousand households as potential viewers.

KBS built a system for terrestrial DMB and developed stabilization technology for common application. KBS also developed the world’s first ACAP (Advanced Common Application Platform)-based terrestrial digital TV interactive data broadcasting system and started test broadcasts. In addition, three submissions by KBS on the MPEG-7 specification were adopted as international standards.
Leading broadcast digitalization, KBS presented on the topics of SD-HD conversion problems and solutions at the ABU Technical Meeting. KBS also shared experiences in building a broadcasting infrastructure and provided a guideline on digitalization to foreign broadcasters. At the 2005 Korea International Broadcasting, Audio, and Lighting Equipment Show (KOBA), KBS offered a firsthand look at digital broadcasting under the title ‘Making the Future of Broadcasting with the Audience.’
KBS played a pivotal role in launching the world’s first T-DMB services on December 1.
U-KBS Star, the video channel of KBS’s DMB service, simultaneously relays KBS TV1 to mobile receivers. U-KBS Heart provides interactive content and infotainment programs from KBS TV2. As a 24-hour music channel, U-KBS Music offers high quality music and multimedia services. The data channel, U-KBS Clover, provides news, traffic, stock, weather and other information beneficial to our daily lives, in real time.
Aiming to seize the global mobile broadcasting market with the Korean T-DMB model, KBS actively engages in international PR and cooperative partnerships.
In cooperation with Hyundai Motor Company, KBS developed a next generation traffic information service, TPEG (Transport Protocol Experts Group), based on DMB. Extensive deliberation with government agencies and producers of mobile broadcasting devices in November 2005 resulted in the implementation of plans to build relay stations.


KBS,   아나운서,   방송
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수24페이지
  • 등록일2007.09.28
  • 저작시기2006.8
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#429411
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