영문자기소개서 합격자 예시문 18가지 - 비서직, 일반사무직, 회계, 무역, 해외 영업, 금융, 승무원, 호텔, 관광, IT, 인사총무, 경력사원
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영문자기소개서 합격자 예시문 18가지 - 비서직, 일반사무직, 회계, 무역, 해외 영업, 금융, 승무원, 호텔, 관광, IT, 인사총무, 경력사원에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Ⅰ. 영문 자기소개서

Ⅱ. 합격자의 영문자기소개서 예시
예시 1> 비서직
예시 2> 일반사무 1
예시 3> 일반사무 2
예시 4> 일반사무 3
예시 5> 일반사무 4
예시 6> 회계
예시 7> 무역
예시 8> 해외 영업 1
예시 9> 해외 영업 2
예시 10> 금융 1
예시 11> 금융 2
예시 12> 외국항공사 승무원
예시 13> 호텔
예시 14> 관광
예시 15> IT 1
예시 16> IT 2
예시 17> 인사총무
예시 18> 경력사원


strength is that I am easygoing and enjoy collaborative and interpersonal work. I feel I communicate well with people and I value providing positive energy to those around me. I am intuitive but balance my intuition with a logical approach. I am driven and always have a vision of the final product and work extremely hard to achieve this goal. My weakness is that at times I expect too much from my co-workers. I have learnt that understanding their needs outside of work are important and furthermore, important to the success of any business.
6 Strengths as an Internet Specialist
I have a number of skills, which I think, would assist in the continuing success of your organization:
Firstly, I am knowledgeable in the most current Internet Technologies in the world today. After over a year of professional work experience with Canadian companies and studying at a World Class Institute dedicated to Internet development, I am technically current and skilled.
Secondly, my interpersonal and communication skills are professional and respectful. I have demonstrated success in motivating and collaborating with co-workers to achieve results.
Thirdly, I have international business experience.
Fourthly, I learn fast. In my work experience I have been required to learn new technologies in a very short period of time and I have demonstrated the ability to complete projects under pressure.
Last but not least, I can speak, read and write English fluently. Just as importantly, I have a strong sense of North American culture. I have studied and worked in Canada for over 2 years in a multi cultural environment and in the process have developed lifelong friendships.
My Vision
I am ready to take my career to the next level. I have succeeded in providing excellency in Internet Technology services to businesses in a multi-cultural North American business environment. I have demonstrated the ability to exceed customer requirements with the vast possibilities of Internet Technology.
Now I am prepared to continue providing excellence in successful Advertising and PR consulting and expanding my experience with a progressive company. The combination of my professional and international work experience, training and ambition, have prepared me for the level of excellence required of Oracle Korea's employees. I am young, skilled and crave the challenge of any learning opportunity. I am confident that I will contribute to the success of your company. Given the opportunity, you will discover a driven and vibrant team member.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with a brief professional biography. I hope this will assist you in your selection process. Should you choose to contact me, I would be happy to discuss with you my qualifications for positions within Oracle Korea. As well, I have professional references from companies in Canada and Korea, which I would be pleased to provide to you.
Please feel free to contact me at your convenience.
Kind Regards,
G** H** Kang
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수33페이지
  • 등록일2008.03.19
  • 저작시기2008.3
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#456204
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