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해당 자료는 9페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
9페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


1. Travel & Airport

2. Bank

3. business

4. Economy

5. School

6. Vehicle

7. Heath & Hospital

8. Conference

9. Hotel

10. Stock & Insurance

11. Trade

12. Telephone

13. Mass Media

14. Shopping

15. Economy

16. Crime

19. Sports & Restaurant


cy 보험증서, 보험약관
24. premium보험료
25. rebate 환불
26. stock주식
27. insolvent=bankrupt지불 불능의
28. tax deduction세금 공제
29. cash 현금
30. cash machine현금자동지급기
31. change거스름돈
32. checkbook수표책
33. credit 신용, 융자금
34. creditor채권자
35. debtor채무자
36. exchange환전
37. loan officer대출 담당 직원
38. money order 은행환
39. mortgage담보대출
40. overdraw초과 인출하다
41. pay off빚을 갚다
42. personal check 개인 수표
43. principal원금
44. traveler's check여행자 수표
16. Crime
<범죄관련 어휘>
가해자 injurer
경범죄 misdemeanour
경제 범죄 economical crime
고등 지능 범죄 white-collar crimes
공범 accomplice
기결수 convict
우범 repeated offender
단독범 sole offender
목격자 spectator ; bystander
미결수 accused
범법자 offender
범인 criminal
상습범 habitual criminal
소년 범죄 juvenile delinquency
신고자 reporter
위반자 violator
전과 previous conviction
전과자 ex-convict
조직 범죄 organized crimes
주범 principal offender
중죄 felony
피의자(용의자) suspect
피해자 victim
흉악범 brutal criminal
<범죄관련 표현>
You're under arrest.
The accused made acknowledgment[confession] of his guilt.
The judge found the defendant guilty[not guilty].
He was convicted of drunk driving
The criminal is still at large
The witness gave testimony against the defendant.
The police have caught the murderer.
He has reported the incident to the police.
The police detained him as a suspect.
He was found innocent and acquitted.
There is enough evidence to convict him.
I'd like to report a theft (fire).
I want to report an assault and battery.
Can you describe the assailant?
Someone broke into my apartment.
Is anything missing?
Is anyone hurt or injured?
Where do you keep your valuables?
Your court date is September 10th, at 10:30.
You're illegally parked.
Among the democratic liberties are freedom of speech, movement, and association.
Everyone must be treated as equal before the law.
You have a right to remain silent
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you if you so desire.
The case was decided in favor of the defendant.
He is going to be tried soon.
19. Sports & Restaurant
<스포츠관련 표현>
The two teams were neck and neck until the last inning.
I thought Bulls would win by landslide.
So did I, but it was really close at the end.
The score was tied, six to six.
The score was seven to six in our favor.
Is this game live?
How often do you work out?
We won the game 3 to nothing.
Who's your favorite player?
<식당관련 표현>
Would you like smoking or non-smoking seats?
This beer is stale.
The food was cold, the service was bad and the meals were overpriced.
Excuse me. Is this seat taken (occupied)?
Do you have any particular restaurant in mind?
Have you ever tried (tasted) fried shrimp?
I'll ask the waiter when he's near.
What's your favorite Korean food?
What kind of Korean food would you like to (have?)try?
What do you recommend?
What's the special of the day?
How do you want the steak?
Well-done (Rare, medium), please.
Anything to drink?
Glass of water will be fine.
Miss, may I have the check?
This milk(meat) has gone bad.


  • 가격3,800
  • 페이지수28페이지
  • 등록일2008.06.02
  • 저작시기2004.6
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#467396
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