1) Determination of PVA's htdrolization degree 2) PVA's synthesis
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1. Date

2. Title

3. Principle

4. Apparatus & Reagents

5. Procedure

6. Results

7. Discussion

8. Reference

9. Coworker


temperature is not regular. And it might be asked whether heat it or keep warm it. So we use thermostat to heat solution with no problem.
And we exactly use this calculation to calculate copolymer's weight.
8. Reference :
Eliassaf, J.(1972) Detection of small quantity of Poly(vinyl alcohol) in poly(vinyl chloride) resins. Polym.
Lett., 16, 225-235.
El-Kodsi, G. & Schurz, J. (1973) [Chemical characterization of high polymers. I. Nitration and
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Maslov, V.I. & Kolerko, F.M. (1972) [Methods for determination the component of iodopoly(vinyl
alcohol) in biological media.] Lab. Delo, 5, 295-297 [Chem. Abstr., 77, 96696v] (in italian)
Taniguchi, J. & Ohkita, K. (1977) Testing paper for measuring poly(vinyl alcohol) concentration.
Japanese Patent 7765,495, 30 May, to Shikishima Spinning Co., Ltd [Chem. Abstr., 88, 54762k]
Final report on the safety assesment of Polyvinyl alcohol- safety assesment of cosmetic ingredients
(36th report of the cosmetic ingredient review Expert panel0. Int J Toxicol 17(Suppl. 5):67-92. CIR.
Vinyl acetate, polyvinyl acetate and Polyvinyl alcohol. In: Some Monomers, Plastics, and Synthetic
Elastomers, and Acrolein. IARC Working group, feb. 7-13,1978,Lyon, France. World Health Organization
(WHO). International Agerny for Research on Cancer (IARC); Lyon, France. IARC Monographs on the
Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man, Vol. 19, pp. 341-366.
9. Coworker : Hong sun jin / Hyang jun ho / Jo ji hun / Choi myung sik
Industrial Chemistry
5. 1 Determination of PVA's hydrolization degree
5. 2 PVA's synthesisDepartment
Industrial Chemistry
Submission date
Jang gil sang
Jo ji hun
Class number


  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2010.01.08
  • 저작시기2009.6
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#572442
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