White Noise and Postmodern Society
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Don Delillo (1936~) is called the most significant postmodernism writer. He writes the contemporary general lives, families but it shows another side of the technology and a consuming society. In his novel White Noise (1984), he suggests the life styles of us with an ironic wit.
The Postmodern society tries to be different with the Modern society. There are two main subjects in this novel; the power of mass media and the consuming society. They are also two main pillars of postmodern society. Jack’s family lives with TV and radio sounds. The sound interrupts every moment, but they can not recognize it. When they are talking about death, the sound is talking about a diet or a silly story. The mass media can make a serious situation as the most interesting story. It can make a ‘disaster’ as an exciting show; ‘Are there more victims or not?’ ‘It seems to have big fireworks display in Baghdad (Arnett, Peter NBC, 1991).’ It makes the grave event to simple. Moreover, people enjoy the show with a kind of an expectation (Delillo 222-223). hing to the past quickly, people forget easily everything.
  • 가격700
  • 페이지수2페이지
  • 등록일2010.07.02
  • 저작시기2007.12
  • 파일형식기타(docx)
  • 자료번호#622431
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