캐논(canon) 마케팅사례분석<영문레포트>
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캐논(canon) 마케팅사례분석<영문레포트>에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. Canon and the Digital Camera Industry
(1)Brief History
(2)Backgrounds of digital camera booming
(3)Products Line-up

2. Survey
(1)Survey Results
(2)STP&4P strategy based on the survey
(3)SWOT Analysis

3. Interview
(1)Interview with the Expert
(2)Revised STP & 4P

4. Conclusion


ecision without actual experience. At this time , which is the part of online marketing and oral marketing influences?
A : First of all, There is close correlation between on-line marketing and oral marketing. It is communication via on-line or oral or both of them.
There are a lot of tools. For example, A Company use power blogers and internet after word. When people survey internet, their product reviews are rank in upper pages. So many people clicked their blog, and people found a detail writings which involved in various photos, easy explanations. and They can use a direct Q&A. This is different from former days information acquisitions in more proactive and much more communications respects. And A company make pretty and cute Banners, screen savers, and Viral tools. So people want it in their blogs.
* Viral marketing: The viral marketing and viral advertising refer to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales)
Q2. What does a company do to get an attention from amateurs who have better information?
A: There are lots of tools. For example, sometimes a company can hire Powerbloggers to create the online buzz. When people search the information through internet, their product reviews rank in upper pages. So many people clicked their blog, and people found a detail writings which involved in various photos, easy explanations, and they can ask questions directly. Also, they founded Cannon plex in Sin-sa dong which allows the public to experience flagship products.
Additionally, Canon focuses on 30~40s, rather than 20s, because they have economic power to do whatever they want.
(2)Revised STP & 4P
After getting interview , we changed target ages that we select in the first as thirties to forties. because we analyze that the consumer who have purchasing power are concentrated on thirties ~ forties rather than twenties. and in place part of 4P, we predict that consumer purchase camera at online offline market but " Canonplex " which is made by Canon has multi function that advertise about Canon product and sales. Also they concentrate Buzz marketing on the internet that is called sprayed the word rather than TV advertisement that we anticipate in Promotion part.
4. Conclusion
Presentation a future direction of Canon
Construction superiority of market that existing expert DSLR (over 70%)
A rate of growth has slowed at DSLR market → convert to maintain strategy.
Construction superiority of functional side as existing marketing.
(consumer concentrate to buy product highly because camera is higher price product. It means that sprayed the word marketing is important.)
The time is that look to new market.
Analysis consumer needs of distribution camera market.
Mania Relations and requital selling = maintenance of existing consumer .
Offer a high quality after service.
Necessity of marketing that affects to variety consumer.


  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수17페이지
  • 등록일2010.09.13
  • 저작시기2010.9
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#630503
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