Thermal Conductivity - Objective, intorduction & Background, Apparatus
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Thermal Conductivity - Objective, intorduction & Background, Apparatus에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Thermal Conductivity

1. Objective

2. Introduction & Background

3. Apparatus

4. Procedure

5. Cautions

6. Result

7. Discussion


Thermal conductivity measuring Apparatus
4. Procedure
Put the test piece between standard cylinders and check the connection of thermocouple. Open the valve#1 to supply the water to the head tank and the keep others closed. Open the valve#3 when the head tank overflows and confirm the flow of cooling water. Close valve#8 and give the pressure by blocking 'vinyl' pipe by using valve V4,V5,V9. Remove the air in pipe by open and close valve V4,V5,V9. Then, control valve#3 V3 to flow more than 100L/hr. If water doesn't flow at all, follow these operations again and again. Turn on the power of heater and set the temperature. Fix flow rate of cooling water by controlling valve#3V3. During the experiment cooling water flow rate should be fixed. After confirm the above condition, start to measure temperature of each thermocouples t2,t3,...t10 when the value of thermocouple t1 is stable. Repeat above procedure with changing the temperature. After experiment to prevent the freezing of cooling water, water inside hot water tank and cold tank should be removed out. Open the Valve#4, Valve#5 and through the valve#6, valve#7 water will flow out to steel piping.
5. Cautions
(1) After enough time, measure the temperature.
(2) Proceed the experiment in a stationary condition
(3) Be careful of the burn causing from hot temperature of the apparatus.
(4) Put the test piece between standard cylinders firmly.
(5) Connect each thermocouple and electrode firmly.
6. Result
7. Discussion
  • 가격1,500
  • 페이지수7페이지
  • 등록일2011.03.05
  • 저작시기2010.9
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#653939
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