The Great Gatsby
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1. 서론

2. 본론

3. 결론

4. 참고 - 핏제럴드의 생애


ht him anything else, and he was not
an original thinker.
He was not an articulate moralist, with any conscious thought-out morali-ty.
* Leslie Fiedler
His theme is not love, though love is superficially everywhere in his
writing ; nor it is Europe, though he lived there and set one book and many
stories in the expatriate background. The Rich - their difference from the
rest of us, and the meanings of that difference.
To be 'rich', in the sense he dreamed, is to refuse responsibility, to
deny fate, to try to bribe God.
* Edmund Wilson
He has been given imagination without intellectual control of it ;he has
been given the desire for beauty without an aesthetic ideal ; and he has
been given a gift for expression whthout very many ideas to express.
* Malcolm Cowley
He tried hard to catch the color of every passing year. He felt that his
own life was not merely typical but representative of a new generation ; he
could look inside himself and tell quite accurately how others soon be thin-king.
* F.Scott Fitzgerald himself
I've asked a lot of my emotions - one hundred and twenty stories. The
price was high, right up with Kipling, because there was one little drop
of something - not blood, not a tear, not my seed, but me more intimately
than these, in every story, it was the extra I had. Now it's gone and I'm
just like you now.
Sometimes I don't know whether I'm real or whether I'm a character in
one of my own novels.
I'm probably one of the most expert liars in the world.
[참고 서적]
- The great Gatsby / F. S. Fitzgerald
- F. 스코트 핏제럴드 / 정진농
- F. Scott Fitzgerald / edited by Arthur Mizener
1. 서론
2. 본론
3. 결론
4. 참고 - 핏제럴드의 생애
- Lionel Trilling
-William Troy
-Wright Morris
-Edwin Fussell
-Andrews Wanning
-Leslie Fiedler
-Edmund Wilson
-Malcolm Cowley
-F.Scott Fitzgerald himself


  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2011.04.15
  • 저작시기2011.3
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#666800
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