Term Project Report Traffic Light Controller
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1. Synopsis of project

1.1 Objective

1.2 Operational principle of signal light

1.3 Composition method of signal light

2. Analysis and plan of Source Code

2.1 Compositions of Source Code

2.2 Principal part analysis of Source Code

2.3 Result and interpretation of Simulation

3. Investigation of project

3.1 In about project progress and result discussion and investigation

3.2 Reference data


is because 7-segment case Com terminals being fed up with commonness to come the confirmation which leads a simulation is difficult, but it will grow and it will be able to confirm as the changes which are a schedule which it follows and operations from HBE-COMBO.
3. Investigation of project
3.1 In about project progress and result discussion and investigation
▶ 'The objective of Traffic Light Controller' projects uses Traffic Lights Module where and it is affixed in HBE-COMBO II boards is used in actual real life the control [le] of the signal light which and it embodies it sees, the process it leads and it understands it joins in and VHDL languages and it is to examine in about digital logical operation circuit plan.
When initially starting a project, HBE - COMBO equipments and the language use which is VHDL stood initially and plentifully to be difficult it was difficult. In the equipment tribe it turns a direct equipment specially from the laboratory and it goes and it analyzes it does not confirm the cord and not to be able, the experimental process could not cannot be favorable. Simulation it led and under equipping it checked it confirmed and Naha me and also the time was caught long and the grasp did not become well in look and not to be it stands it analyzes it was caught long.
It comes to give and strong will note and annual festival and the source cord of reference data to lead, it will be able to understand the operating mode of signal light control device, also son who uses 7-segment uses timely counting and the button and the additional functional chart which is input it will be able to accomplish. Project process it led and became the help which understands the condition of VHDL cord drawing up which it learns with a theory at school hours and sequential circuit.
It accomplished 'Traffic Light Controller' projects and the signal light which is used from actual life the biggest aim in embodiment a same emergency signal to after that and, with the emergency input it received it embodies the additional aim which it accomplished. Also to after embodying the signal light segment and it planned additionally in LEDth great sorrow counting. COM terminals it leads from segment and 8 it expresses segment sequentially with to use an afterimage effect, it expresses. And DotMatrix it leads and currently a more gain and loss in about HBE-COMBO equipments also the direction of the signal light which is operational indicates and petty the possibility of doing to be being it appears.
It advanced 'Traffic Light Controller' projects and many time and effort became disturbance, but from theory as a matter of or VHDL cord drawing up which it learns it tries to lead easily it will understand the equipment of fact and there is a possibility which it will learn and to have having become the fair chance it appears.
3.2 Reference data
▶ DigitalDesign, J.F.Wakerly, PrenticeHall, 2006.
▶ DigitalDesign PRINCIPLS&PRACTICES, J.F.Wakerly, PrenticeHall, 2002.
  • 가격5,000
  • 페이지수16페이지
  • 등록일2011.06.09
  • 저작시기2010.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#683271
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