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뉴스형식의 대한민국여성대통령에관한 영어레포트입니다.에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.




On last February 15th, there was the presidential inauguration in Korea. Approximately 70000 people took part in the inauguration, including delegations from all over the world. Singers, PSY and JYJ perform Gangnam Style and popular songs that represented the last seven decades ahead of the inauguration. After the performances, the ceremony was successfully progressed following a event schedule for four hours.
The new president of Korea is named Geun-Hye Park. Moreover, she is elected as the 18th President of Korea, and is the first female president. On the top of that, there has been no female president before in Northeast Asia. It means so much to Korea that she is the first women to be a president of Northeast Asia country. It is difficult to move in society and succeed for women and discrimination against women still exists. In other words, it is difficult to choose and accept a sudden change. However, Korean people accept changes and hopefully expect her to develop how Korea will be in the future. Thus, many political experts predict that
  • 가격10,000
  • 페이지수2페이지
  • 등록일2014.03.18
  • 저작시기2013.1
  • 파일형식기타(docx)
  • 자료번호#908493
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