(영어작문, 에세이 Opinion essay) “What do you think of smoking in public places?” (공공장소에서의 흡연과 관련한 의견을 작성한 영문 에세이)
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(영어작문, 에세이 Opinion essay) “What do you think of smoking in public places?” (공공장소에서의 흡연과 관련한 의견을 작성한 영문 에세이)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


I feel so good when I smell fresh air. I think that fresh air makes us more relaxed and comfortable, so when I need a break, I try to find out the location where I can breathe fresh air. However, there are always some people who occupy the best spot for a break and make the fresh air become disgusting smell; smokers. It is really difficult to find out the right place where I can stay to take a rest because of them, and I hate this kind of situation. It seems to me that smoking in public places should be prohibited, and every member of society has to participate in taking actions against it.


smoking,   opinion,   essay,   Opinion essay,   think,   public place,   영작,   흡연,   영어작문
  • 가격500
  • 페이지수3페이지
  • 등록일2014.07.03
  • 저작시기2014.5
  • 파일형식기타(docx)
  • 자료번호#927452
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