오픽 IH나 AL을 위한 스크립트. Opic IH나 AL을 위한 script
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해당 자료는 10페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
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오픽 IH나 AL을 위한 스크립트. Opic IH나 AL을 위한 script에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


AL 수준은?………………………………………………3 페이지
오픽이란? 오픽 팁……………………………………4 페이지

1. 자기소개……………………………………………9 페이지
2. 친구(이웃) 소개……………………………………9 페이지
3. 가족…………………………………………………10 페이지
4. 집……………………………………………………10 페이지
5. 동네…………………………………………………12 페이지
6. 동네와 관련된 추억………………………………14 페이지
7. 집안일………………………………………………15 페이지
8. 대학교………………………………………………16 페이지
9. 영화…………………………………………………22 페이지
10. 콘서트……………………………………………25 페이지
11. 공연………………………………………………28 페이지
12. 해변………………………………………………31 페이지
13. 음악듣기…………………………………………33 페이지
14. 혼자 노래 부르기………………………………35 페이지
15. 공원가기…………………………………………37 페이지
16. 걷기………………………………………………40 페이지
17. 조깅………………………………………………43 페이지
18. 혼자 게임하기……………………………………46 페이지
19. 자전거……………………………………………47 페이지
20. 요리하기…………………………………………48 페이지
21. 집에서 보내는 휴가……………………………50 페이지
22. 국내 여행…………………………………………51 페이지

1. 집 창문 고장……………………………………53 페이지
2. 명절………………………………………………53 페이지
3. 친척………………………………………………54 페이지
4. 지형………………………………………………54 페이지
5. 치과………………………………………………55 페이지
6. 쇼핑………………………………………………55 페이지
7. 건강………………………………………………56 페이지
8. 날씨………………………………………………57 페이지
9. 독서………………………………………………58 페이지
10. 식당………………………………………………58 페이지
11. 신분증……………………………………………59 페이지
12. 약속………………………………………………59 페이지
13. 인터넷 서핑……………………………………60 페이지
14. 테크놀로지………………………………………61 페이지


the Opic test. I had to postpone the meeting few hours. I feel really sorry for my friends, but this test is really important. Let me go and meet my friends with a smile after this test.
Eva 질문하기
who do you usually meet??
who normally choses the place?
what time do you usually meet?
what do you usually do when you meet your friends?
13. 인터넷 서핑
when was the first time you used the internet?
I don't remember when I used the internet for the first time. I think I was very little when I used it for the first time. I only used it for chatting but nowadays I used it for a lot of things.
What is the website you use often? How many times a day do you visit the site?
In the States most of people use Google but most of Koreans use the search engine 'Naver'. I can't count how many times I visit but I can tell you tell I use it for everything. When I turn on the Internet Explorer, Naver pops up as the front page.
인터넷으로 물건 구입
Have you experienced that you bought some items via internet?
I never thought about buying things online when little but nowadays online shopping is so familiar. I usually by books online after checking it out at the offline book store first. You can get the books for about 30% cheaper then buying at a store in person. I usually pay with my credit card.
인터넷 쇼핑 문제
Have you experienced any problem with the purchase you made online?
What do you do to get it fixed?
I don't usually buy clothes online because it looks different from the pictures on the web you receive it. But I bought this cool jumper. I ordered my usual size 'Large' but the actual jumper was made much smaller then it's normal size. It was too tight for me to wear. I call the company to make a refund. I got my money back but I had to pay for the delivery fee. After that I never buy clothes online.
14. Technology
I guess Steve Jobs made a big difference in the latest technologies. Smartphone is the latest technology that I use. I use my phone everyday and take it with me everywhere I go. I use it to send text messages and to surf the net when I have the time. I also use it as a mp3 player to listen to music. I can't imagine my life without my phone. Thanks Steve Jobs.
학교 tech
University has a lot of latest technologies. First, you can use the Free WiFi all around the campus. When you go to the library you search the books in the library database. You can do a lot of things with the student ID card. With the card you can book seats in the library, borrow books, reserve a seat on the school bus. Thanks to the technology I can do things much easier.
tech 변화
Technology changes so fast so it's hard to keep up. I never thought that I could have a phone in my pocket but now it's possible. After sometime, I never thought that I could use the phone as a computer. But now, I can use my phone as a computer or mp3 or video player. You never know what will happen in the future. Technology might evolve into something much better so we could really go to the moon for a vacation.


오픽,   al,   ih,   opic,   영어 말하기,   등급
  • 가격6,000
  • 페이지수61페이지
  • 등록일2015.01.19
  • 저작시기2013.4
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#954421
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