가상 이력서 [영문, 영어] (자기소개서,면접)
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해당 자료는 1페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
1페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


가상 이력서 [영문, 영어] (자기소개서,면접)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Job Announcement

Interview questions.


A letter of self-introduction

The answer of interview questions (3rd group)


e because my major is related to this job.
6.What do you think is the best asset that you could bring to the company?
-As I wrote, I think my strength is the best asset. If your company recruit me, your company will be more expanded by my strength like analyzing and managing skills.
7.What would you do if you became a CEO?
-It is simple question. If I became a CEO, I would manage, expand my company. And I would earn a lot of money.
8.Where do you see yourself in 20years?
-If your company recruit me, I will make your company huge. And in 20 years, I will hold a high position of your company.


  • 가격300
  • 페이지수4페이지
  • 등록일2015.04.25
  • 저작시기2014.6
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#965074
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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