SFSU, KIN 136 : hatha yoga journal notes, instructor: S CAUGHLAN
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SFSU, KIN 136 : hatha yoga journal notes, instructor: S CAUGHLAN에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


It was the first day of the class. I remember the first moment that I entered the classroom. I was pretty surprised to see the classroom. Since I am an exchange student and it is my second and last semester in San Francisco State University, I do not know that much about what kind of things are in San Francisco State University. So until I take this class, I have not known that there is a classroom like this which looks so pretty and comfortable to do yoga. In my home university, there is no classroom like this. So I think I was really excited about having a class in the fancy and colorful place. I was also excited about learning yoga in university in the form of class, because my home university does not offer any interesting classes like this. Anyway I remember that I was totally uplifted at that time.
Since it was the first day of school, we did not do many things. Like most first class usually does, the professor gave just short orientation about what she was going to do in the class for this semester and she had some time to figure out who came here to want to take this class and who needed the permit number. After doing this, she said we were going to do simple thing and made all of us lie down on a floor. What she wanted us to do was to close our eyes and take a deep relaxation, which was totally different from my expectation. What I expected was to do typical yoga such as to move the body and do some poses. So anyway all I did was just to lie down on the floor, close my eyes and listen to what she was saying. At first I just did not understand why I should do it in the yoga class.
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2016.01.09
  • 저작시기2014.5
  • 파일형식기타(docx)
  • 자료번호#991751
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