China-South Korea FTA and trade between two countries
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China-South Korea FTA and trade between two countries에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. Concept of Free Trade Agreement(FTA)

2. Outline of China-South Korea FTA
2.1 Contents of Agreement

3. Progress of trade between China and South Korea
3.1 Trade before the FTA takes effect
3.2 Trade after the FTA takes effect
3.3 Trade volume of China and South Korea with major trading partners

4. The impact of the China-South Korea FTA
4.1 The impact on the economy and industry of China
4.2 The impact on the economy and industry of South Korea

5. The second phase negotiations of China-South Korea FTA

6. Conclusion

7. 참고문헌


Abstract: China and South Korea first established formal diplomatic relations in 1992, and after several rounds of negotiations, the two countries signed China-South Korea Free Trade Agreement in 2015, promoting freer trade and economic development between China and South Korea. For South Korea, China, which has a very large market for trade, is a significantly important economic partner, and for China, South Korea is an important partner that can share technologies in IT and manufacturing sectors and promote the development of various industries together in China. Since the China-South Korea FTA took effect in 2015, China's trade volume with South Korea has been the third-largest after the United States and Japan, while South Korea's trade volume with China has topped the list, more than sum of trade volume of United States and Japan.

Key words: Free Trade Agreement (FTA), trade, tariff, exports, imports, economy
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2024.05.01
  • 저작시기2024.01
  • 파일형식기타(docx)
  • 자료번호#1249372
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