제 13 장 동명사(Gerund)
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해당 자료는 2페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
2페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


1. 동명사의 용법

2. 동명사의 의미상의 주어

3. 동명사와 부정사의 비교

4. 동명사와 관용적 표현


he received the letter, he turned pale.
= On receiving the letter, he turned pale.
3) Most of you, upon graduating, will be employees.
= Most of you, when you graduate, will be employees.
  동명사의 관용적 표현
1. It goes without saying that ∼
It is needless to say that ∼ = ∼은 말할 필요도 없다.
ex 1) It goes without saying that we must work hard.
= It is needless to say that we must work hard.
2. cannot help ∼ing = cannot but + 동사원형
= ∼하지 않을 수 없다, ∼할 수밖에 없다.
ex 1) I cannot help laughing.
= I cannot but laugh.
3. want, need, require + 능동동명사 ( )
수동부정사 ( )
수동동명사 ( )
= ∼을 필요로 하다, ∼을 해야한다.
ex 1) His house needs[wants, requires] being painted. ( )
His house needs[wants, requires] painting. ( )
His house needs[wants, requires] to be painted. ( )
4. cannot[never] … without + 동명사
but + 주어 + 동사
= ∼않고 …하는 일은 없다, …하면 반드시 ∼하다.
ex 1) Whenever I meet him, I think of his brother.
= I never meet him without thinking of his brother. (전치사)
= I never meet him but I think of his brother. (접속사)
5. be on the point of ∼ing = be on the brink of ∼ing
be on the verge of ∼ing = be about to + 동사원형
= 막 ∼하려 하다, 막 ∼하려는 참이다.
ex 1) He was on the point of going out.
= He was about to go out.
6. be worth ∼ing = be worth while + 부정사 동명사
= be worthy of + 명사 동명사
= ∼할 가치가 있다, ∼할 만하다.
ex 1) This book is worth reading.
= It is worth while to read this book.
= It is worth while reading this book.
7. to + 명사 동명사
① object to ∼ + 동명사
= be opposed to ∼ + 동명사
= make an objection to ∼ + 동명사
= ∼을 반대하다, 싫어하다.
ex 1) I am opposed to your going there.
② with a view to + 동명사 = for the purpose of ∼
= ∼을 위하여
ex 1) I study English with a view to going abroad.
③ devote A to B(동명사) = A를 B에 바치다.
ex 1) She devoted all her time to studying history.
8. look forward to + 명사 동명사 = ∼을 기대하다, ∼고대하다.
ex 1) I am looking forward to seeing you again.


  • 가격1,300
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2002.10.06
  • 저작시기2002.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#205506
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