that we boys blossomed. In about
eight weeks. Molly had Mother eating at the table with
us. Betweentimes, Mother learned from her how to bake
American breads and cakes.
★① sometimes ② always ③ everytime
④ on time ⑤ in time
주관식 7번) 다음 중 문법적으로 어색한 부분을 찾아서 그
번호를 쓰고 올바르게 고치시오. (2.8점)
Our family ①had come from Ireland the year before.
Almost at once, we had a lot of trouble. ②The worst
of our troubles was Mother's terrible illness. All the
doctors she saw said she ③would never get well again.
Now she ④was kept in bed ★⑤waited to die.
주관식 8번) 다음 단어 형성 규칙에 따라 Known의 새
단어를 쓰시오. (2.8점)
certain ⇒ uncertain
happy ⇒ unhappy
necessary ⇒ unnecessary
known ⇒ ★ unknown
객관식 16문항 x 3점 = 48점 (점수 표기 없음)
4문항 x 2점 = 8점
주관식 4문항 x 2.8점 = 11.2점
4문항 x 3.2점 = 12.8점
듣기평가 20점
총 100점
eight weeks. Molly had Mother eating at the table with
us. Betweentimes, Mother learned from her how to bake
American breads and cakes.
★① sometimes ② always ③ everytime
④ on time ⑤ in time
주관식 7번) 다음 중 문법적으로 어색한 부분을 찾아서 그
번호를 쓰고 올바르게 고치시오. (2.8점)
Our family ①had come from Ireland the year before.
Almost at once, we had a lot of trouble. ②The worst
of our troubles was Mother's terrible illness. All the
doctors she saw said she ③would never get well again.
Now she ④was kept in bed ★⑤waited to die.
주관식 8번) 다음 단어 형성 규칙에 따라 Known의 새
단어를 쓰시오. (2.8점)
certain ⇒ uncertain
happy ⇒ unhappy
necessary ⇒ unnecessary
known ⇒ ★ unknown
객관식 16문항 x 3점 = 48점 (점수 표기 없음)
4문항 x 2점 = 8점
주관식 4문항 x 2.8점 = 11.2점
4문항 x 3.2점 = 12.8점
듣기평가 20점
총 100점