비영리단체(NPOs)와 정부와의 관계 및 사회(경제)적 역할
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I. 서 론

II. 비영리부문과 정부와의 관계
1. 역사적 조명
2. 정부와 비영리부문과의 보완관계의 배경요인
(1) 시장실패와 정부실패
(2) 다원적 수요를 반영하는 서비스의 제공
(3) 시민의 권리옹호와 참여정부의 논리
3. 한국의 공익재단에 주는 함의

III. 비영리단체의 활동 및 사회(경제)적 역할

IV. 국내 비영리단체에 관한 실증적 분석
1. 민간비영리부문의 규모
2. 민간비영리부문의 대 국민총생산 비율
3. 민간비영리단체의 유형
4. 민간비영리단체의 소유자산 현황
5. 민간비영리부문의 고용
6. 민간비영리단체의 소득과 정부보조

V. 결 론

참고 문헌


ofit Sector: A Research Handbook, Walter W. Powell, ed., New Haven: Yale University Press.
Hall, Peter Dobkin, (1992). Inventing the Nonprofit Sector: Essays on Philanthropy, Voluntarism, and Nonprofit Organizations, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Hansmann, Henry, (1980). The Role of Nonprofit Enterprise., Yale Law Journal , 89: pp835-901.
Hansmann, Henry, (1987). "Economic Theories of Nonprofit Organizations" in The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook, Walter W. Powell, ed., New Haven: Yale University Press.
James, Estelle (1987). The Nonprofit Sector in Comparative Perspective, in Powell, (ed.), The Nonprofit Setor.
Knowlton, Winthrop and Richard Zeckhauser, (1986). American Society: Public and Private Responsibilities, Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, MA
Kramer, Ralph, and Terrell, Paul, (1984). Social Service Contracting in the Bay Area. Berkeley, California: Institute of Governmental Studies.
McCarthy, Kathleen D., (1982). Noblesse Oblige, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. ix-xiii, 99-148.
Milgrom, Paul, and John Roberts, (1992). Economics, Organizations and Management, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey.
Nelson, Richard, and Michael Krashinsky, (1973). Two Major Issues of Public Policy: Public Policy and Organization of Supply. In Public Subsidy for Day Care of Young Children, edited by Richard Nelson and Dennis Young., Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Health & Co.
Newhouse, Joseph, (1970). Child Care Decision-Making Survey: Preliminary Report. Unpublished manuscript; Yale University, Program on Nonprofit Organizations.
Nicholls, David, (1975). The Pluralist State, MacMillan, London.
Olson, Mancur, (1971). The Logic of Collective Action., Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Powell, Walter, The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook, Yale University, 1987.
Putnam, Robert D., (1993). Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Putnam, Robert D., (1995). "Tuning In, Tuning Out: The Strange Disappearance of Social Capital in America", Political Science and Politics, Vol 28, December.
Rifkin, Jeremy, (1995). The End of Work: The Decline of the Global Labor Force and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era, New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons.
Rudney, Gabriel, (1981). A Quantitative Profile of the Nonprofit Sector, Working Paper no.40., Program on Nonprofit Organizations, Yale University.
Rudney, Gabriel, and Murray Weitzman, (1983). Significance of Employment and Earnings in the Philanthropic Sector, 1972-1982, Working Paper no.77, Program on Nonprofit Organizations, Yale University
Salamon, Lester M., and Helmut K. Anheiser, (1995a). The Emerging Nonprofit Sector: An Overview, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Nonprofit Sector Series.
Salamon, Lester M., (1995b). Partners in Public Service: Government-Nonprofit Relations in the Modern Welfare State., Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Schumpeter, Joseph A., (1943). Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, Allen and Unwin, London.
  • 가격2,900
  • 페이지수20페이지
  • 등록일2008.08.04
  • 저작시기2008.8
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#475371
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