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 History

 Awards



Seoul Shilla



Our service philosophy is our distinguishing edge
“When building The Shilla Hotel in the first place, we wanted to create a world-class hotel that would represent the beauty of Korea’s traditional culture and at the same time function at a first class level. Besides, we believe that the hospitality business is not just about tourism but culture as well.”
- Extract from the speech commemorating the 10th anniversary of The Shilla Hotel by the
late Chairman Lee Byung-Chul-
The business philosophy and spirit of The Shilla Hotel are deeply rooted in the 5,000-year history of the Korean nation. The far-reaching scope of The Shilla Hotel has become a prerequisite for globalizing The Shilla, whose motto is “The Most Traditional Things Are The Most Global Ones.”
Shilla - one of Korea’s ancient kingdoms – not only left a rich cultural legacy to us, but also united the Three Kingdoms and promoted goods and human exchanges with China, Japan and other countries. Such as a progressive spirit of the Silla Kingdom perfectly concurs with today’s business philosophy of The Shilla Hotel, with aspires to be a world-renowned hotel.
CI represents the service spirit of The Shilla
The Shilla visualizes its corporate identification, the Rose of Sharon Korea’s national flower of Korea – as a symbol of Korean beauty along with the exquisite glamour of the West. The CI is a powerful and sophisticated image that evokes the top-class hotel that The Shilla Seoul aspires to be.
The Shilla Seoul does not have a mission statement that can do vary in depth, content, format, and specificity. But The Shilla Seoul has its own philosophy that is same as mission statement. According to the philosophy of The Shilla Seoul, the philosophy is originated from the founder of Samsung Corporation who is the late Chairman of Lee,


  • 가격10,000
  • 페이지수22페이지
  • 등록일2010.04.30
  • 저작시기2006.02
  • 파일형식워드(doc)
  • 자료번호#606748
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