전환사채 취득에 따른 증여의제 개선방안-전환사채 이익에 대한 과세합리화를 중심으로-
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전환사채 취득에 따른 증여의제 개선방안-전환사채 이익에 대한 과세합리화를 중심으로-에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Ⅰ 서론
1. 연구의 목적 및 필요성
2. 연구의 방법
3. 연구문제

Ⅱ 채권에 관한 이론적 배경
1. 채권의 개요
2. 사채의 일반적 개황

Ⅲ 전환사채이익에 대한 증여의제내용
1. 전환사채의 의의
2. 전환사채를 이용한 조세회피사례
3. 신설 규정의 내용
4. 특수관계에 있는 자의 범위
5. 특수관계자 범위에 관한 유의사항
6. 전환사채이익의 계산
7. 증여시기
8. 증여자의 연대납부의무 면제
9. 과세당국의 세무관리방향

Ⅳ 삼성에버랜드의 전환사채 발행에 관한 사례
1. 삼성에버랜드의 CB발행사건
2. 삼성SDS의 BW발행사건
3. 삼성전자의 CB발행사건
4. 전환사채
5. 신주인수권부사채
6. 특수사채발행무효의 소
7. 주주대표소송
8. 기타 법적문제
9. 논의

Ⅴ 전환사채이익의 과세합리화 방안
1. 전환사채의 범위 확대
2. 특수관계에 있는 자의 범위
3. 전환사채이익의 계준시점

Ⅵ 결론 및 제언




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전삼현, “경영권 방어목적을 위한 사모 전환사채 발행의 유효성”, 고시계 제554호(2003.4)
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참여연대 - “삼성에버랜드 전환사채 판결 이후 참여연대 후속 대응” 2005년 10월 13일 기자회견 자료
The donation consideration without talks that property it provides a value property with gratuitousness. Against a donation to pay a donation tax and with the possibility capital increase legitimately to acquire a donated property it is to become.
But the donation mobilizes the tax evasion technique of the form which is various and to the specific person who will reach with gratuitousness with reversion Sikkim ' there is taxation to being income and ' the instances which disregard a taxation levy principle occur plentifully from circumference.
It extends in the whole of Samsung group event and it comes to quarrel most seriously probably the portion which will be able to evaluate the value of the emergency market stocks also the standard it probably is what, is the problem regarding. The fact that the evaluation which is accurate against him is difficult fact or until evaluation of the minimum will not mean that is impossible, it will reach from Samsung and side also abusing is easily perceived to the yard where and it will reach the fact that it lets alone is a socially will cause bigger problem only.
Also the government or the court of justice is to a tax matter and evaluates the value positively and to fall in love to a legal issue which is different and there is that revealing negative attitude also it cannot be desirable it cannot it sees. The concrete evaluation must become accomplished from above objectivity and specialty foundation but it will exterminate the irregularity succession of the form whose it is like this to be important, will of the government and Judiciary it will do.
The taxation rationalization plan against the donation subject which it follows in profit of taxation application and it follows in irregularity donation of the convertible debenture which it treats importance from the research which it sees convertible debenture it will be able to regard as the unsolved criticism where the problem point does not come loose even until still. Also the plan which is urgent against hereupon must come to be prepared, it is a gist of the research, it does.
  • 가격5,000
  • 페이지수42페이지
  • 등록일2008.10.10
  • 저작시기2008.7
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#484262
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