Korean Consonants in Speech Error
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Korean Consonants in Speech Error에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


I. Introduction 1

II. Subject 2
1. The Consonants System of Korean 1
2. The Consonants System of English 2
3. English consonants which are not existent in Korean 2
4. The Same or Similar Sounds in English and Korean 3
5. Korean students' understanding of English and Korean consonants in general 3
6. Errors on pronouncing consonant in English. 4
7. Korean problem 7

III. Ⅲ. Conclusion 8


correlates of English stress.
8.2 Rhythm
Korean is a syllable-timed language and thus Korean speakers pronunciation of English words and sentences may lack the vowel reduction necessary for English rhythm.
8.3 Intonation
Korean learners may have difficulty with the characteristic intonation patterns of English because pitch functions differently in Korean.
Ⅲ. Conclusion
Between the consonants of the two languages, there are some differences in the presence of basic consonants, the places of articulation, the articulators, the manners of articulation and the statuses of vocal band, as we already know. Even when the sounds are the same, we can find some differences in the aspects of the articulatory phonetics. I have an experience of like that. When I taught to students, they asked to me "Why should we learn and practice English pronunciation?". I answered "Listening is related to speaking, that is if we listen English well, we can speak well ."At that time they understood a little. I thought they'll think teacher's word is right in near future. And also, whenever I ask to students "which one is most difficult for you among listening, speaking, writing and reading", most of them answer "speaking". However, they actually can't listen well as well as speaking. Thus they need to make an effort for listening prior to speaking. We can conclude that strictly speaking, there is no consonant that is completely the same in the two languages. The similar consonants between the two languages end with different places of articulation and different sounds due to the difference of the starting points of the tongue.. The factors causing the differences between the two languages’ consonants we can’t find by the consonants which exist only in one of the two, or which are the same in terms of the articulatory phonetics. For the sounds have no corresponding sounds to be compared, or the very same sounds can’t be compared with each other. Therefore, the clues lie in the consonants which are at once considered to be the same, but not completely the same in the light of the articulatory phonetics. The sounds of ‘ㅌ’-‘t’, ‘ㄷ’-‘d’, ‘ㅅ’-‘s’, ‘ㄴ’-‘n’ are the very consonants. The pairs have common places of articulation, that is, all the consonants are alveolar sounds, but the Korean consonants’articulators are all the front-tongues, whereas the English consonants’, the tongue-tips. Conclusively, there are differences in the articulators. The places of articulation are located in the upper jaw, which is not an active, but a passive articulatory organ. The articulators are located in the lower jaw, which is easily moved to be an active articulatory organ. Therefore, the more decisive role in causing the differences in sounds is to the articulator. That’s why it is the factor to make differences in the segments’sounds. In conclusion, it can be proved that the differences between the sounds of segments in the two languages result from the difference between the articulators.


Korean,   Consonants,   seech,   error,   Speech
  • 가격2,200
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2017.07.28
  • 저작시기2016.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#1030422
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