경기대학교 영어영문학과 영문법 과제 참고자료
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해당 자료는 4페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
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경기대학교 영어영문학과 영문법 과제 참고자료에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


경기대학교 이현주 교수님 영어영문학과 영문법수업 관계대명사 레포트입니다. Grammar and beyond 3 책 입니다.

Ⅰ.Background information & Reason to choose the current issue
Ⅱ.Summary of the article
Ⅲ.Grammatical analysis
Ⅳ.In-depth investigation
Ⅴ.After doing my assignment


Ka, and other characters.
==> Biennaime 부부가 갖고 있는 기억들과 정신적 외상은 그들의 딸인 Ka와 다른 캐릭터들에게 영향을 끼쳐 왔다.
(Instead of how the adjective phrase is used above , we can now say like this : Memories and traumas that/which the Biennamies have.)
(10) Danticat creates various characters including Ka, Danny, Aline, Michel, and Nadine as agents of reinscribing and reconstructing their parents`s memories and traumas, for they become not only listeners to victimizers` confessions but also tolerators of victims` silence and inarticulation.
==> Danticat은 그들의 부모의 기억과 정신적 외상을 되새김하고, 재구조화하는 주체로서 Ka, Danny, Aline, Michael과 Nadine를 포함한 다양한 등장인물들을 만든다. 왜냐하면 그들은 희생자들의 혼돈을 듣는 자뿐만 아니라 희생자들의 침묵과 어눌함을 참아내는 주체가 되기 때문이다.
( We can replace the noun ‘which represents that the agent is a particular person’ with ‘subject relative pronouns + Verb form’. For this, ‘listeners to victimizers` confessions but also tolerators of victims` silence and inarticulation.‘ can be written like “the person who listens to victimizers` confessions but also (the person) who tolerates the victims` silence and inarticulation.”
After doing my assignment.
Learning English to Learning languages and finally to new perspective on life.
When I first started to do my assignment, I even didn’t know what issue to choose. Along with this, I was a little bit disappointed with not having solid grammar skills to analyze any grammar in detail. So I chose ‘that’ which I learned recently, thinking that is what I know better than any other thing. I knew about it but was not able to classify what ‘that’ is easily. I thought (that) I had to ‘know’ definitely about the grammar Issue firstly and I made a chart. Since then, I’ve solidified the knowledge about ‘that’. Because of this reason, I was able to analyze how ‘that’ is used in the articles so easily. And doing this, my knowledge not only about ‘that’ but also about overall English writing boosted considerably.
Firstly I thought (that) I might want to analyze the articles only and it could be enough. However, I wanted to mater at least English and this is why I’m majoring in English. For this, I decided to study more. So I decided to search for my professor’s paper, thinking (that) it is the only precise and good material I could believe in and fits the level I have to study. It was hard to understand first time but soon, I find my pleasure in searching for new words and absorbing it into my head.
I realized that the ‘positive circle’ like this is really important in learning language. I’m sure studying this way is useful by telling you that I finally was happy with doing my work. Since now, I won’t deem my work ‘chores’ but would try to enjoy it. Then, I think (that) I could master whatever I do.
1. Cnn news
2. Kis paper related organization - 아이티 공동체와 트라우마 회복하기―에드위제 댄티카의 『듀 브레이커』 이현주 교수님 ( Hyunju Lee ) 21세기영어영문학회, <영어영문학21> 30권1호 (2017), pp.207-230
3. Textbook
4. Naver encyclopedia
5. Picture Naver Image
Thank you for your attention.
  • 가격900
  • 페이지수14페이지
  • 등록일2018.11.27
  • 저작시기2017.4
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#1071928
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