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여행영어2(기말) ) 1. If you would like to (만약 -하고 싶다면) 2. It is easy to (-하기에 쉽다)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


d soy sauce, the salty taste and flavor come alive, but adding too much is not recommended because it can be felt if you add too much. The kimchi stew that has been boiled so far becomes quite delicious, but it is good to add red pepper powder or salt while checking the taste and if you feel that the taste is insufficient, it is better to add more kimchi or kimchi powder.
15. If you make it like this, the kimchi stew is completed, but as I imagined, I became hungry, so I\'m thinking about making a kimchi stew. This time, I want to make kimchi stew by adding tofu or more ingredients. If you try kimchi stew, there is no doubt that you will fall for the taste.
16. I recommend Kimchi stew because it is easy to make. And you can apply very many way. For example, it is better to add tuna or pork to make kimchi stew more delicious. If you choose pork, it is better to stir-fry the pork separately while cooking the kimchi stew or before making the kimchi stew. If you choose tuna, it\'s better to prepare tuna for stew, because the soup that comes with it is added to the stew to give it a rich taste and so are the vegetables that come with it. I believe you love to make and eat Kimchi stew.
  • 가격4,500
  • 페이지수6페이지
  • 등록일2022.08.17
  • 저작시기2022.8
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#1179378
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