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해당 자료는 3페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
3페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


d. There is an almost limitless variety of uses of PSEs.
c. There are ethical and legal problems with PSEs.
d. Lawmakers are moving to create new laws to limit the use of PSEs.
3) The main idea of the paragraph is that (because of the ethical and legal problems with the almost limitless variety of uses of PSEs lawmakers are moving to create laws to limit their use.)
4. The words in each of the following groups have similar meanings, but they are not exactly the same. Match the words with their definitions by writing the letters on the lines. If necessary, check your answers in a dictionary.
1) c brain a. a way of thinking or feeling
2) a mind b. the ability to remember
3) b memory c. an organ of the body that controls
thought and feeling
4) b equipme a. an instrument
5) c machine b. the things that are needed for an
6) a device c. a man-made instrument that needs
power (e.g., electricity)in order
to work
7) c insight a. a way of thinking with formal
methods (using the left brain)
8) b knowledge b. understanding that come from
experience and learning
9) a logic c. the power of using one's mind
(especially the right brain)to
understand something suddenly
urban 도시의
suburban 교외의(에 사는), 시외의
priest 성직자 신부(minister, clergyman) 목사 , 승려
methods 방법 (특히)조직적[논리적]인 방법
microscope 현미경
prevention 저지, 방해, 막음, 예방, 방지, 장애, 방해
disease (사람,동식물의) 병, 질병, 질환
amulets 호부(護符), 부적
diagnosis 진단(법)
headaches 두통
stomachaches 위통(胃痛) 복통
insomnia 불면증
cure 치료하다. 고리다. 치유. 회복
The difference in methods is a result of the fact that disease- to the modern, scientific mind - is viewed as something natural; it is caused by viruses, bacteria, and other small things that we can't see without a microscope.
현대적 과학적 사고로의 질병은 아주 자연적인 것으로 생각한다. 바이러스, 박테리아와 다른 작은 생물을 우리는 현미경 없이는 볼 수 없다.
(능동 S+V·O , 수동 O+be·pp+by ; 주어가 목적어로)
3. Write F on the lines before the statements about folk medicine and M before statements about modern medicine. In some cases, both answers are correct.
1. (F) Disease is thought to be produced by supernatural causes.
2. (M) People try to avoid getting sick by eating properly, exercising, and relaxing.
3. (FM) The first step in treatment is the diagnosis of the illness.
4. (F) Spirits from other worlds are contacted through a trance.
5. (M) Rest, massage, chemical drugs, or surgery are possible cures.
6. (F) Through a ceremony, something bad is removed from the sick person's body.
7. (FM) People get well more quickly if they believe they will regain their health.
8. (F) Social interaction and the help of relatives and friends are an important part of the cure.
4. On the lines, write words from the reading selection with similar meanings to the words listed. The numbers in parentheses refer to the number of correct answers.
1. doctor(1): healer
2. take care of(1): treat
3. sick(1):ill
4. disease(2): sickness, illness
5. sick person(2): a patient, sick people
6. supernatural beings(1): spirit
7. bad(1): evil
8. belief(1): faith


READING,   SKILLS,   BOOK,   예술,   역사적,   역사책
  • 가격1,300
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2001.04.02
  • 저작시기2001.04
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#189404
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