가정간호수가제도의 방향
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* 보수지불 방법의 분류

* 가정간호수가제도의 방향

* RBRVS(Resource Based Relative Value System)

* 참고문헌


recent refinement to an old method. Inquiry, 21 (2), 105-107.
43. May J. J.(1982). Diagnosis related groups. Topics in In Health Care Financing, 8(4).
44. McMahon L.4.(1989) . Critique of the harvard resource-based relative scale. Univ. of Michigan School of Medicine, 1988, 17. Physician Payment Review Commission. Annual Report to Congress. Washington, DC.
45. Mcmahon L. F.(1990).4 critique of the harvard resource-based relative value scale. Am. J. Public Health,80(7) ,793-798.
46. Mitchell J. B, et at.(1987) Packaging physician services : Alternative approaches to medicare part B reimbursement. Inquiry, 24(4), 324-340.
47. Poper W. L.(1988). Perspective on physician payment reform. NEJM, 318(13), 865-867.
48. Rice 7., Jill B.(1990). Volume performance standards : Will they control the growth in medicare services?. The Milbank Quarterly, 68(3), 295-319.
49. Roemer M. 1.(1962) , On paying the doctor and the implications of different methods. J. of Health and Human Behavior, 3(1), 4-14.
50. Russell L. B., Manning C. L.(1989). The effect of prospective payment on medicare expenditures. NEJM,320 (7) ,439-444.
51. Schweiker R. S, et at.(1982). Report to congress . Hospital prospective payment for medicare. Washington, D.C : U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
52. Showstack J, et al.(1979). Fee-for-service physician payment :Analysis of current methods and their development. Inquiry, 16(3), 230-246.
일본 중앙사회보험의료협의회(1987). 특가, 인건비등の 상승に 대응する 진료보주の 긴급시정 について(요망). 조화 62년


가정,   간호수가,   제도,   방향,   분류
  • 가격1,300
  • 페이지수7페이지
  • 등록일2002.07.22
  • 저작시기2002.07
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#198925
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