시편 74편에 나타난 시온전승
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2. 시 74편의 구조와 삶의 자리

3. 시편 74편에 나타난 시온전승

4. 나오는 말


. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1962.
Westermann, Claus. The Psalms: Structure, Content & Message, tr. Ralph D. Gehrke. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1980.
------. Praise and Lament in the Psalms tr. Keith R. Crim and Richard N. Soulen. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1981.
Willesen, Folker. "The Cultic Situation of Psalm LXXIV," VT 2 (1952): 289-306.
영문요약(English Abstract)
Zion Tradition in the Psalm 74
-by Jongsoo Park Ph.D.(Kangnam University)
Ps 74 has been regarded as a form of Community Laments. Regardless of its literary form, however, it shares some Zion traditions with other "Zion Songs." This thesis describes common traditions which are found both in the "Zion Songs" and in the "Community Laments on the destruction of Jerusalem." Ps 74, I believe, is a good example that shows such common traditions of Zion.
Ps 74 tells the historical salvific act of Yahweh. Moreover it combines the Zion tradition with the faith of creation. The part in which the poet of Ps 74 praises the Creator(vs. 12-17) is well combined with the praising motif of "Zion Songs." Faced with the totally destroyed temple, the poet asks for God's grace and relates the responsibility of the Lord for His people to the Zion tradition. God should keep His people in safety, not for the sake of His people, but for the glory of God Himself. This is on the same track as the Davidic Covenant, which has been established as the royal theology since the period of monarchy. Zion is the center of these traditions. Ps 74 gives the hope of recovery to the people who are in deep dispair after the destruction of the Temple of Zion. Zion has been regarded as the dwelling place of Yahweh. The destruction of the temple means that the house of Yahweh disappeared from this world. This is the loss of the faith in God to the most Israelites. This is the reason why God should recover the temple of Zion for his own glory. With the Lord who dwells in Zion, the Israelites can recover the same glory as in the Davidic period.
Generally, Zion songs praise Yahweh, the dweller of Zion. In the other hand, the motif of Zion traditions in Community Laments deals with the lament on the destruction of the temple of Zion. The motifs of both kinds of psalms share common features of Zion traditions. Just as Zion Songs contain the mythical elements of the older Canaanites, the Zion traditions in the Community Laments also reflects such a trend (74:13-15). In Ps 74, the universal sovereignty of Yahweh, the Creator against chaotic power, appears as the winner against the enemies (74:18-23). It also comes from the same tradition that Zion is eternal, and that all people enjoy peace in Zion (cf. Ps. 122:4-9). From this point of view, it can be said that the Zion traditions were making the central theology, along with the Davidic Covenant based on the royal theology and the faith of creation. These motifs prevail both in the Zion Songs and in the Community Laments on the destruction of Zion, such as Ps 74.


  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수12페이지
  • 등록일2003.02.08
  • 저작시기2003.02
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#220976
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