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the areas of science and technology.
(A) In the past
(B) Without a doubt
(C) On no account
(D) By no means
차례 바로 가기
6/01 주어, 목적어 중복 문제.
1. The supervisor he will notify the development team of any changes to the time table. -> (명사+대명사 +동사 구조는 불가능. he 삭제.)
2. The career counselor that Ms. Kermanshi talk to her was very helpful. -> (the counselor = her. 중복되었으므로 뒤에 her를 삭제)
6/02 품사 정정 문제.
1. The impressive structural that 동사.... -> structure (주어가 될 명사형이 올 자리.)
2. the new personnel manager should give encourage to the employees. -> encouragement (목적어가 될 명사형)
3. Taxation office failed completing the audit..... -> failed to complete (동명사 -> 부정사)
4. The corporation's legal advising has warned .... -> advisor (경고를 할 수 있는 명사형으로)
5. They began expanded into ... -> began to expand (부정사가 올 자리)
6. the president promised to low taxes and raise wages. -> lower (부정사를 이루는 동사형태로)
7. The lawyer is predicted that ..... -> predicts (수동태가 올 자리가 아니므로.)
8. We look forward to a fruitful concluding. -> conclusion (본래 품사 우선원칙. 명사형이 있으므로)
9. The more sophistication the recording equipment, -> sophisticated (the 비교급 ..., the 비교급 형태에서 be 동사가 생략된 구조. 녹음 장비가 정교해질 수록)
10. we will meet for discuss the allocation of tasks. -> to discuss (목적을 나타내는 부정사가 적당)
11. the sports team draws inspire from... -> inspiration (목적어가 되는 명사형이 올 자리)
차례 바로 가기
6/03 불필요한 첨가를 삭제하는 문제.
to be ensure the heating unit's proper functioning, -> be 삭제.
Walking along the sea wall and is a favorite activity. -> and 삭제. (walking 동명사, 주어)
wireless communications, electronic commerce, and in international operations. -> in 삭제
1. After an exhaustive review of Dr. Thomas's latest study, the researchers determined that her findings were in an error.
-> in an error 의 an 삭제
6/04 필요한 단어 누락을 채우는 문제.
They could deal the damage caused by.. -> with 삽입 deal with.
as result of serious concerns about... -> as a result of
1. Special discounts are to be awarded to top five retailers and dealers, and to all salespeople with orders of fifty units or more. -> 정관사 the 삽입.
2. We regret that our confidentiality policy prevents us from releasing the information have requested. -> we have requested
차례 바로 가기
6/05 틀린 접속사 고치는 문제.
The receptionist was late for work today that the main road was blocked by a fallen tree.
-> 문맥상 that -> because
In the event that a concert is called off, TicketPro will promptly refund the cost of the ticket and any associated charges whether applicable.
6/06 틀린 전치사 고치는 문제.
you should submit the proposal no later as the fifth of the month. as -> than.
he is very consistent of his views on international trade tariffs. of -> in
I believe that my income is comparable of the average. of -> with
차례 바로 가기
6/07 수를 나타내는 [형용사 + 명사] 일치.
in many construction-related industry. -> industries (앞에 many 복수를 나타내는 형용사에 수일치)
Many the customers of Bonali Textiles reported that -> many of the
After twenty years stage performances, -> twenty years of stage
Thousand of delegates from all over the world -> thousands of.


  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수24페이지
  • 등록일2003.12.22
  • 저작시기2003.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#239643
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