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부 사

화 법

동 사

시 제




③ 시제 : 분사구문과 주절의 시제가 같으면, 동사-ing (수동태) [Being] + p.p ~,
부정 not
시제가 다르면, Having + p.p (수동태) [Having been] + p.p ~,
부정 not
2. 암기해야 할 분사구문의 예문
① This work (do), I went out for a walk.
this work , I went out for a walk.(분사구문으로 고침)
분사구문의 주어는 this work이고 주절의 주어는 I이므로 분사구문의 주어를 명시한다.
This work , I went out for a walk.
② Being a fine day, I went out for a walk.(×)
분사구문의 주어와 주절의 주어가 불일치하므로 틀린 문장이다.
As I was a fine day, I went out for a walk. (×)
a fine day의 주어는 I가 될 수 없다. 따라서 비인칭 주어 it을 써야 한다.
As it was a fine day, I went out for a walk. (○) (분사구문으로 고침)
It being a fine day, I went out for a walk. (○)
③ Reading a book, the book was sold. (×)
책을 읽는 것은 사람이므로 주절의 the book과 일치하지 않는다.
After(또는 As) 사람 read a book, 사람 sold the book. (분사구문으로 고침)
Reading a book, I(사람주어) sold the book. (○)
cf. 분사구문의 의미상 주어는 대부분 사람이 많다.
④ 부대상황
I lay there with my boots on.I stood there with my arms folded.
⑤ 강조
현재분사 강조 : as + S + do동사
과거분사 강조 : as + S + be동사
Standing on a hillside, the Villa commands a fine view.
(command a fine view : 전망이 좋다)
As it stands on a hillsied, the Villa commands a fine view. (강조구문으로 쓰면)
Standing as it does on a hillside, the Villa commands a fine view.
Written in a hurry, the book has many mistakes.
[Being] Written in a hurry, the book has many mistakes. (강조구문으로 쓰면)
Written as it is in a hurry, the book has many mistakes.
  동명사의 관용적 표현
It is no use ~ing
= It is of no use to ~
= It is useless to ~ = ~해도 아무 소용없다.
ex) It is no use crying over spilt milk.
= It is of no use to cry over spilt milk.
There is no ~ing
= It is impossible to ~ = ~ 할 수 없다. ~하기는 불가능하다.
ex) There is no saying what may happen.
= It is impossible to say what may happen.
feel like ~ing
= feel inclined to ~ = ~하고 싶다.
ex) I don't feel like eating anything.
on(upon) ~ing = ~ 하자마자 곧
ex) On arriving there, I wired to my mother.
connot help ~ing
= cannot avoid ~ing
= cannot but ~ = cannot choose but ~
= have no choice but to ~ = ~하지 않을 수 없다.
ex) I cannot help thinking that he is still alive.
= I cannot but think that he is still alive.
of one's own ~ing = 자기 자신이 ~한
ex) He showed me a composition of his own writting.
be worth ~ing
= be worth of ~ = ~할 가치가 있다.
ex) The Bible is worth reading.
come near ~ing
= nearly escaped from ~ing = 가까스로 ~을 벗어나다.
ex) He came near being drowned.
never ~ without ~ing = never ~ but ~
= at any time ~ = ~하면 언제나 ~한다.
ex) I never come here without thinking of my frind.
make a point of ~ing
= be in the habit of ~ing
= make it a rule ~ = ~하는 것을 습관화 하다.
ex) I make a point of taking a walk every morning.
be far from ~ing
= not ~ at all
= never = 결코 ~ 아니다.
ex) He is still far from being satisied.
what do you say to ~ing ?
= waht do you think about ~ing ?
= how about ~ing ? = ~하는 것은 어떻습니까?
ex) What do you say to playing baseball after lunch?
= What do you think about playing baseball after lunch?
be on the point of ~ing
= be about to ~ = 막 ~하려고 한다.
ex) The secret is on the point of being revealed.
be busy ~ing = ~하느라고 바쁘다.
ex) He was busy tidying up his desk.


  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수28페이지
  • 등록일2006.03.08
  • 저작시기2006.03
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#338934
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